Chapter VIII

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The school day had finished and Beca was standing out on the oval under the big oak tree where she planned to meet Chloe. The brunette was pacing back and forth, wringing her hands, and taking shallow breaths. Her heart was racing a million miles an hour and sweat was dripping down her back, despite it being a cool day. Beca had spent the rest of the day trying to figure out what she was going to tell Chloe but she still had nothing. She was nervous and if she was honest, she was a little scared, too. She had no idea what was going to happen between her and Chloe. She wanted to tell Chloe how she felt but she couldn't do that. She was pretty sure Chloe hated her and why wouldn't she? Beca had been nothing but trouble to Chloe so she was lucky that Chloe even agreed to meet her after school.

Beca wasn't sure how long she was waiting for. It honestly felt like hours to her but she eventually saw Chloe making her way over to the brunette, looking gorgeous in a nice blue patterned dress with tan wedges. Beca had never seen anyone rock a dress like Chloe and she couldn't take her eyes off of from the redhead.

"I'm here," Chloe announced once she reached Beca.

"Y, yes... You, you are." Beca mentally kicked herself for stuttering.

"Well, what did you want to talk to me about?" Chloe asked.

"Ah... Yeah... I, ah..." Beca rubbed the back of her neck. "Let's sit."


Beca sat against the tree as did Chloe. Beca ran her hand through her hair, trying to calm her breathing and racing heart.

"I, ah... How... How was your day?" Beca asked.

"What?" Chloe laughed.

"I don't know how to do this, okay? Just... humour me."

Chloe laughed again. "It was good despite my locker being ruined again."

"That honestly wasn't me. I don't know who it was actually. Maybe it was that boy."

"What boy?" Chloe frowned.

"That boy you were talking to."

"How could he have done it when he was with me the whole time?"

"I don't know. Maybe he's got friends that did it. It's a classic move - distract the victim while your buddies do their thing."

"I can see you've been doing that for quite some time."

"Yeah," Beca chuckled. "Something like that, but still, I'd watch out for him."


"He's just got that look about him that's all."

"Well, I think you're wrong about him. We're going to hang out tomorrow after school."

"You are?" Beca snapped her head around to Chloe's.


"Oh..." Beca clenched her jaw, then looked down at her fingers that she was toying with. "So he's your boyfriend then?" She scowled.

"What?" Chloe breathed a laugh.

"Is he your boyfriend then?" Beca repeated firmly.

"No! I only met him today."

"Sure," Beca huffed and Chloe looked at the brunette with a quizzical look.

"Why did you really want me to meet you here, Beca?"

Beca looked at Chloe and felt intimidated under Chloe's bright blue gaze that seemed to pierce right through to her soul.

"I... I, I wanted to make amends. I'm... I'm sorry about what I did, I just..." She sighed. "I didn't have the best upbringing and, well, doing what I do is all I know... I don't know how to be anything else... And you're right about what you said - this IS my last chance and I can't afford to screw it up."

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