Hotel staff aren't allowed to flirt while on duty !

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Finally we landed and got out of the airport . We entered a 5 star hotel and I must say this was an upgrade from what we used to live in , basically even a room with a proper bed would be an upgrade .

"Woww this is amazing , look at all those stairs and glasses and are those juices for us ?" Jackson asks excitedly .

I chuckled " It is amazing , and there are some fine girls here too" Drake said while eyeing some of the leeches .

"Good afternoon , you must be tired from the ride , care for some refreshments ?" asked a good looking boy around 18-19 years .

"Yes please" screamed an eager Jacky .

The boy whose name badge read Timmy passed me a cocktail drink and smiled at me .

"Thank you" I said and took the drink .

Yea so our hands may have been in contact for about 10 seconds before Drake interrupted and we both stirred awkwardly .

"Pretty sure the hotel staff aren't allowed to flirt while on duty ."

"My apologies , I will get someone to take your luggage" He said before he left

"Geez Drake , what happened to you , Calm down ." said Paul with a roll of the eyes .

Before anyone of us spoke , Timmy returned with two boys and they all smiled .

"They will be assisting with luggage , what room number ?" asked Timmy while picking up a black with rose gold stripped bag which was mines if you hadn't caught on .

"408 , 409, 508" Said Paul.

"So which bags go to which room ?" asked one of Timmy's friends .

"How about you leave everything on the fourth floor and we will decide who take which room ?" Said Paul bluntly .

Timmy and his friends went off with their luggage .

"Hey !! If there are only three rooms and four of us . who am I sharing a room with ? " He asked sadly .

I ruffled his hair and we went into the elevator where we waited for our stop patiently , throughout that I had noticed how each of these girls tried to push their boobs and asses out and pout and gave flirty looks as they passed Drake , oh and lets not even go to the one standing next to Drake right now . Skimpy blonde haired girl with such revealing and slutty clothes that makes me wonder why is she wearing any .

Finally we came to our stop and found Timmy standing at the door , alone .

"Hey , could I urm speak to you for a second ? Timmy asked while fidgeting with his fingers .

"Yea sure." I smirked knowing I have an effect on him . Why am I like this ?

"If you not doing anything later on , I am off from work and I was wondering if you would like to go out with me for coffee or something ..?" He said shyly .

"Come on Jess , we don't have all day , and no she will be busy tonight , good bye ." said Drake as he walked past .

I looked at a blushing Timmy and said "I may not be able to come tonight but I would have loved to ," I watched his reaction and saw a frown appear so I quickly added "maybe another time , i'll tell you when I am free , here's my number . "

He quickly smiled and gave me his phone , I put the number in and said bye when I was met with a fuming Drake .

"What asshole?"

"Why did you give him your number ?"

"How does that affect you ? " I asked knowing he would shut up after this .

"Shut up both of you and get back here . So Drake and Jess will stay on this floor while Jacky and I will stay upstairs . " said Paul while giving us our room cards .

"Can I please stay with Jess , please" begged Jackson .

"No because she has to go to school and if anyone finds out that we live on this floor and surround it , we can escape from the top floor and I know that Jess and Drake can manage to get out of there but with you on their hands , that would be quite hard buddy . " said a tired Paul .

"But she is only a year bigger than me , I don't get why she should get her own room." and with that said walked away an angry Jackson .

"He'll be back " I said with a smile .

"Yea , give him some time " said Drake .

"Nope in about 7 seconds max" I said .

"Why do you say that?" asked an amused Paul .

"He left his luggage" I laughed .

And just on cue , walked in a furious Jackson , "I didn't come for your'll , I just came for my luggage ."

"Told yea !" I said with a victory smile and opened my room door , "Bring my bags in Paul , don't be useless" I screamed .

"You heard her Drake , take her bags in."

"But she said 'Paul' not 'Drake' .

"Too bad , I am bigger , I call the shots . Bye!" and he walked off .

I didn't hear anything after that because I went to check out my room and see what this place got to offer . So far everything was lovely , my bedroom was big and really clean and bright , I need to make this a less . bright . I prefer darkness .

"Your stuff . Lazy ass" said an annoyed Drake .

"Shut up and get out " I snickered .

"Wasn't planning on staying here either "


Thank you so much guys !! It is almost 800 views !!! I really appreciate it !

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Dec 21, 2018 ⏰

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