The Roka's

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Pisti's P.O.V.
The girl woke up before Jafar and that made me happy. She had lots of questions but desided on one to start off on. "Hi my names Pisti whats yours?" I said sitting next to her on the bed.
"Yuri it's nice to meet you. Wait wheres Jafar!?!?" She looked around panicked but calmed dowm a second later seeing him sound asleep. I had a teasing look on my face and scooted closer to the new girl.
"So are you Jafars girlfriend!" I said as she looked back at me blushing.
"N-no its not like that!!!" She stuttered but then had a sad look on her face, "and I doubt it'll ever be like that. Jafar had always protected me from his parents because I was a slave for his family. We were always best friends and we made plans to run from his parents. It was a flawless plan until I tripped on my chains and fell on the floor with a loud crash waking his parents. We tried running but they caught me and tortured me infront of Jafar. That was the first time Jafars snake eyes came out and he killed them. He did that to protect me and then he got a doctor to help me. I took the fall for the murder of his parents because I was already a slave so he didn't need to be one too. We were seperated and I was tortured for days but they made sure not ro touch my hair or eyes. They are the only signs that Im a surviver of the Roka."
"So your from the moving continent." Sinbad said coming in followed by Morgianna who had a tray of food in her hand.

Yuri's P.O.V.
"So your from the moving continent." I heard a man say. I looked over to see a man with purple hair and gold eyes staring at me, then I noticed a girl with pink hair and eyes behind him. I jupmed off the bed and walkined over to her.
Your a fannalis aren't you?" I ask taking a grape from the tray of food she had brought in. I ate it savoring it but not showing it. I haven't had grapes in years. I thought to myself sitting back on my bed.
" I am." I answered kinda nervously setting the food in front of me. "I was a slave like you, you know."
This caught my attention, "how long if you don't mind my asking." I said before eating more food.
"Since I was four." She said plainly. I offered her some food before saying.
"Me too."
"Are you guys annoying Yuri?" Jafar said holding his darts while his eye twitched in annoyance.
"Not at all," The purple haired man said coming over to me and taking my hand. "We were just asking this pretty little girl here some questions." He said.

No ones P.O.V.
Jafar threw one of his darts just barely missing Sinbad. "I dont mean to be rude but please dont try your love tricks on my Yuri!" Jafar said making Yuri blush.
His Yuri. She thought blushing. Sinbad was just as shocked at Jafars outburst but then his face softened.
"Good for you Jafar, you finally got a girlfriend." Sinbad said walking over and rufling his hair.
"I-its not like that Sinbad!?!?" Jafar said waving his hands in the air. Yuri looked at the sight and couldn't help but giggle catching the two arguing boys attention. "What's so funny?" Jafar asked a little annoyed.
"Nothing I'm just glad to see that you've made such wonderful friends Jafar." Yuri said smiling brightly at all of the people in the room.
"None as fun as you though." Jafar said smiling back.

Yuri's P.O.V.
"Yes Yuri's from the moving continent but they're called Roka's. Some Roka's are even stronger then the Fannalis. That why they're very special and always sell for a high price on the slave market. It's unusual for people to even see a Roka much less have a chance to by one thats why after ahe took the fall for my parents murder no-one could keep her for more then a year." Jafar explained rubbing medicine on my ankles making me blush slightly. "Your still an idiot for doing that by the way. They could of just beat me up again." I said quietly before someone pinched my leg. "Ow. What was that for?" I ask kicking Jafar. "Your the idiot. I should of gotten the keys but you went off without me and there was no way you were getting hurt again because of something I did." Jafar shouted at me making me real back. I always hated it when he yelled at me. "I'm sorry." I say quietly putting my hands in my lap. "Its fine your free now so lets just go. I'll take you to my home which will be your home from now on. It's Sin's Kingdom Sindria. It's beautiful and their isn't a single slave or anyone living in poverty." Jafar said smiling up at me.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Thanks for reading.
Don't own any magi characters.
Only Yuri and hooded person.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2019 ⏰

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