The Ban of H2O

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As a child, I always loved stories about H2O. I'd hear tales of the sea and sense the pounding waves. I'd feel the wetness of the water and how it would seep into my skin.

I dreamed of the wave's thunderous crashes as they cooked up a storm. I'd imagine crashes of lightening as they ran through the waves.

And most importantly, I would dream of the animals in the shallows of the waters. I would picture the colorful environment and the tiny animals that swam through their little world, functioning together to create a paradise.

I had little dreams, and I had big dreams.

I had shallow dreams, and I had deep dreams.

But the one thing that all my dreams had, were the waters and a future that would be filled with it.

Or so that was until…the ban of H2O.

There wasn't really any warning. One minute there was water everywhere and the next, it disappeared from existence.

I asked my mom what happened to the water. She stared at me blankly and asked "What is water?"

I asked my dad about our plans to visit the ocean. He glared at me for interrupting him and asked, "what is an ocean?"

I even asked my geography teacher. He was obsessed with the ocean. Surely he would tell me something.

But I was wrong.

He didn't tell me anything. He told me there was no such thing as an ocean, but I noticed that his voice wavered when we said it. And that's when I knew.

I had to find out what happened to the ocean.

That night, I threw a jacket on, and hopped into my car. Without a particular destination in mind, I walked over to my car. I double checked the back to make sure I had enough gas to drive for a lifetime. Then, I backed out of the garage and started driving with no particular destination in mind.

I have no idea how long I drove, but by the time I found the boundaries of Australia, I was no longer in the desert. I came across a recently built wall and stopped driving in confusion. And then, the strangest thing happened. I got out of the car and scaled the wall.

I didn't know what to expect from the climbing, but when I got to the top, I stared down in horror.

I didn't see the dream that I always thought to be. Instead, all I saw was watery trash.

I saw the whirlwinds of water, but they spinned through drops of oil. I saw the calm waves, but they left behind a stench. I even saw flat water. But it was fully sprinkled with trash.

And then the final thing I saw was the little red seahorse, trying to escape the q-tip.

I saw that the world I always dreamed of was out of existence. And then I did the last thing I would ever do.

I united with H2O.

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