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(trigger warning;overdose)


"I'm so ready for my first fight tonight!" Tyler bugs me.

I look ahead and fix the sleeve of my plaid shirt. "And I'm ready for you to leave me alone"

 "And I'm ready for you to leave me alone"

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"What?" he asks.

"Nothing" I walk off and go into the gym to get my note from my trainer.

I hear a shaking breath so I turn and see Athena, as always, working out.

She's doing crunches and sit ups.

She's pushing herself, hardcore.

She's in here every single day working out in her baggy clothes.


I walk up to my trainer and he stands at my height. "Archer! Here for your note?"

I nod. "Yea"

He pulls it out of his pocket and I gladly take it. "Day off?"

"Haha yea, worked my ass off yesterday" I laugh.

"That's what I like to hear" he chuckles as puts his hand on my shoulder.

The bell rings and I do a quick smile before walking off, along with Athena.

She walks next to me in silence, sweaty and breathing heavily.

But we depart when I go to my class.

Hours later, it's finally time for lunch so I rush out of my classroom to be bumped into my Tyler, Matt, and Gabe. "What are you guys doing?" I cross my arms,

Gabe gulps. "We figured we'd all eat lunch together... since we're... y'know i-"

"I know. But that doesn't mean we have to sit together" I raise an eyebrow and they frown, making me smack my forehead. "Fine. I'll meet you outside, I gonna piss" I say and they nod with a smile before walking off. I roll my eyes and pass by the girls bathroom because the guys is further down from it... but I stop when I hear crying, and me, being curious as hell, I check it out. I slowly walk into the bathroom and see Athena shaking as she holds up a lot of pills, chugging them- "STOP!" I run up to her and take her hand, causing all the pills to go flying.

"No!" she cries and goes on the ground.

"What are you doing?! Stop!" I pick her up and she screams while crying. "What the hell, Athena?!" I ask and she tries to get out of my grip. "What are you doing with them?! HOW MANY DID YOU TAKE?!"

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