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[ HR: Human Rebel ]
[ RevRo: Revolution Route ]

In honor of 10k reads on Human Rebel, I've decided to make an alternative story, Android Savior.

It's the same as HR, but this story will be on the Revolution Route, so not much description is needed.

The only major difference will be that Kara and everyone in her route (Luther, Alice, Rose, etc) won't be present in this story. Why? In my opinion, Kara's route was very hard (emotionally) to play through in the Revolution Route...pretty much because everyone can basically die in her route (but then again, everyone can die in each route)...but I love everyone in her route too much to do a RevRo on them, so I won't include them.

Other changes may include dialogue, plot and other stuff, but I think that's self-explanatory.

Oh, and this book will once again be in Dahlia's POV unless otherwise specified.

Other than that, nothing much will change. So, I hope you enjoy this story as much as you enjoyed HR.

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