I thought I had it all.

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A/N: Before I begin, I want you guys to know that Colleen has three different looks. 1) the popular Colleen, how she used to look 2) Collie Flower, how she tryies to look 3) Colleen Florence, the real Colleen.

Colleen's POV

Today is orientation. You'd think it would be your typical "welcome back" orientation, right? Wrong. I've heard about people's bad days before. One girl got hit by a car on her first day of high school. Another kid had an evil brother who had shaved off his brows the night before homecoming. My bad day was today.

As I made my way to the front entrance of Flanagan High School, I made sure to lock my royal blue BMW. As I heard a click sound I smiled. The car was an "I'm sorry I didn't let you go to Europe" car. Of course, I wasn't complaining. This car was going to be a whole lot more useful than a bunch of "Wish you were here!" postcards.

When I got to the front entrance, a freshman held the door open for me. People knew that the ticket to popularity was through me, Colleen Florence. I expected my best friend to run up to me with open arms and some clothes from Paris. What I wasn't expecting was some stuck-up mini Regina George from the sophomore class to gossip about me within earshot.

Darla Harty and she crew of evil minions were gossiping loudly next to me. I of course, stopped walking and pretended to dig through my Prada backpack while listening intently to their not-so-secret conversation.

"Oh my freaking God! Have you seen Clay Wagner with that slut?!" Darla asked one of her slutty friends.

"Wait, what about Collay?" she said shocked. You see, Clay and I were well-known as the "it" couple. People gave us pet names such as Collay and Flagner.

"No way! Flagner broke up!" some brunette girl wearing way too much eyeliner gasped. Now I'd like to point out an important detail, Clay and I never broke up. To me, we were still homecoming queen and king.

"Well, actually Colleen doesn't know about her bf's scandal." Darla smiled wickedly.

"So who's the slut?" raccoon girl asked.

"Addison Brandelle, Colleen's bestie." Darla said.

"OMG! Clay's cheating!" some Barbie girl said in realization.

"Yeah, dumbo. That's what 'cheating' is." Darla said as she whacked Barbie with her navy Coach bag.

After hearing this news, I slid my sunglasses on and walked right out the building.

I'm not coming back. At least, not as the girl everyone knew and loved.

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