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My name is Serena Caparelli, and I am anything but ordinary. People always think that I'm crazy when I tell them about my abilities, IF I tell them at all, so I decided not to mention it to anymore.

First of all, when I was about eight years old, my parents died when the house was engulfed by greedy flames. What is so extraordinary about an unlucky disaster? Well, it was the fact that the fire was started by two demon creatures.

I know this because I saw them, They had huge bat-like wings, with thick leathery skin stretched tightly between their skeletal fingers. The creatures' eyes glowed bright yellow, and their charcoal-colored skin glowed red, like the inside of an active volcano. Their mouths opened impossibly wide, and their roar sounded like that of a lion.

At the age of eight, I was frightened, as you can imagine. Orange, and red flames poured out of their gaping mouths, trickling over their black fang-like teeth. After the fire I was thrown into an orphanage and left to sulk until I was adopted.

From that moment on I was no longer a normal child. A man by the name of Steven Morand came and picked me up from the orphanage. He told me that I was not insane, but very sane, more sane than the other people that said I was crazy.

He said that I had a special mind, that sees things other minds cannot. He said the creatures that killed my family were called Coranakos, or Fire Demons.

After convincing me that he was not insane and that I shouldn't tell the cops, I began to trust him as he told me more about the "incident". Steven said that the Fire Demons killed my parents because my parents were actually demon hunters.

He also told me that their names were Colnok, and Sselvekir. Steven educated me on Demons and Demon Hunting, such as the fact that Demons, which are normally invisible to the average eye, can show themselves to ordinary humans if they choose to do so, and that even when they are invisible to most, I and others like me can see them.

When he felt that I was ready, at the age of twelve, he had the Company put me into one of their machines, that makes a human with the gift of "sight" transform.

There are no machines that can make a human have the "sight" and there will never be one; the only way a human can get the sight is if they are cursed with very powerful sorcery, and only extremely advanced demons can do that (hint hint, nudge nudge).

Back to the point, when I say transform I don't mean like on some video game you play, "Congratulations you're Serena has now transformed into Mega-Serena!"

Yeah, none of that crazy stuff, it just enhances my instincts such as reflexes, sight, touch, hearing, strength, speed, and my ability to move around easily. What I mean by move around easily Is that I can run farther, and dodge things faster.

Also It makes me just about twice as flexible as normal people, and I'm not talking about being able to fold my body into a perfect pretzel, thats just gross, it just means I can perform acrobatic and gymnastic tricks easily, oh and another good part is that we cannot get drunk.

Finally, right after I was out of the machine, Steven sent me on my first mission. I had to take care of a ghost that was causing trouble. That was when he gave me two silver swords, with glowing blue lines slashing through the metal, the smooth handles curved up with horns, the face of a snarling demon carved on the surface close to the blades, they are called Zen and Alac. In the demon tongue the swords mean 'gracefull' and 'force'.

The two swords could be connected to make Zenalac, a double-bladed sword, more deadly to demons than a regular sword. He taught me how to summon it, using the two words Comonak Amonak.

When I thought those words, Zenelac would come to me, where I would separate them and use them as two demon-slaying machines. After many successful slays Steven started calling me the Demonslayer, the nickname stuck, and I liked it.

When I was sixteen Steven Morand told me that we would part ways for the time. He said that it was our time to move on, and he told me we would see each other soon. "Until we meet again, Demonslayer." He smiled, a spark lighting his golden eyes.

He handed me a brief case and when I opened it, to my surprise, loads of money sat neatly bundled up. I hugged him and waved goodbye.We then got into two different cars, with our loads of money, and drove our separate ways. I have not seen him since and I am eighteen now.

You might be wondering, where do I get my money? Well its simple really. By visiting the Company. Every now and then the Company will call my watch, and ask me to slay a demon for them. Its easy for them, and not too hard for me, most of the time.

Just think of me as an assassin that kills really bad and dangerous people. Except I'm not an assassin and the people aren't people, they're demons.

When I kill a creature, it leaves Mist behind. Mist from certain demons are worth more money, but all Mist is worth at least seventy dollars, so you don't go completely broke.

Mist is part of the creatures soul, which is pretty much part of their mind, and thoughts, and so on and so forth, and is completely harmless. All I do is collect the Mist in my watch, which is no normal watch, of course and be on my way.

Most people would kill for a watch like mine, but the only way to get one is to be a part of the Company. It locates entrances to the Company, and shows maps of towns and cities, just in case I get lost.

The watch collects Mist, and tracks anything, as long as I have some of its DNA, or if it has encountered the DNA of that creature before. It can absorb any demons who choose to surrender, instead of fight, and once I find a Company entrance, they will buy the creature, and put it into the jail, where they will sell it to other companies. Also, It also tells time.

All that is really cool, but sometimes I just wanted to have a normal life and settle down and have a normal family. I know I am too young for a family, but not too young to buy a house to live in. I settled in a nice, large, stone house, in a peaceful neighborhood, or uhh, peaceful for the moment.

My previous experiences with settling down have ended, not too well, but that doesn't stop me from trying a few more times. I hope that I can stay for a month or two, before the Demons become too attracted to the scent of someone with the gift, but that would be a longshot.

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