Chapter 9

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Quickly the pitter patter became full sounds of steps, and the cute word mistakes became a full vocabulary. Little Ned wasn't so little anymore. He'd became taller than Ned, but shorter than Conor. As he grew, his health problems diminished and he became a strong, confident young man. Ned's eyes were a glistening hazel like his dad's, but his hair remained the vibrant red that his father had. His nose was pointed like his father's but he had the jawbone of his dad. Conor was now thirty three, and his son was fifteen. The big one-five.

Nobody liked Ned. He was an avid rugby player and maintained good grades, but everyone seemed to fear him. It didn't help that his dad was an anomaly who didn't look a day over twenty-one, and they both were muscular men. Apparently, everyone assumed he was dangerous due to his muscularity. He never minded though. He didn't like any of them anyways. His dad and him remained as close as when he was young because they were all each other had. Mr. Sherry had died in a car accident with his boyfriend when Ned was eight. His funeral was the last time Little Ned had seen Ned. Ned didn't seem to age either, but he also didn't seem happy in his life. Conor didn't talk to Ned there, but Little Ned knew he was yearning to. The only reason he didn't was because Little Ned would be shown that it's okay to abandon your kids. Then again, Conor had very mixed feelings and Little Ned knew that. On the one hand, he left them, but on the other, he needed time to take care of his own mental health.

Ned trotted up the stairs and quickly ran into their little apartment. "Hey, Ned. I'm making dinner." Conor greeted.

"How rare." Ned teases, throwing his messenger bag onto the couch. "Hey, dad."


"I got a call from Ned." Little Ned said, showing his father the number on his phone. "I answered, but when I heard his voice I hung up." Ned leaned against the island counter, watching his dad who had food remnants on his nose.

"Hm." Was all Conor could say.

"What do you think he's doing? Like in life?"

"Maybe he has a family, or a nice job, or a boyfriend." Conor's voice dropped an octave.

"I bet he looks like shit and lives under a bridge." Ned responded and Conor couldn't help but laugh. "You should call him."


"Dad, I'm serious. I know you never got over him, so maybe you just need closure. I just want you to be happy."

"I am happy. I have an amazing son and an amazing life." Conor defended.

"You know what I mean. Like, move on to someone else." Ned said, knowing it hurts his father to even think of moving on.

Ned clicked on the number and let it ring, Conor turned and shouted. "No!"

But Ned already answered. "Little Ned?"

"That's me." Ned responded confidently, laughing a little. "Why'd you call?"

"I'm in town and figured I could drop by. If you still live in the same place, that is."

"Yep, we do."

"No we don't." Conor shouted in the background. "Don't come around. Just continue your new life."

"Cone by whenever you want."

There was a knock on the door. Ned opened the door to see his father in the doorway. "How about now?" He joked.

"Perfect, come in." Little Ned replied, letting Ned in. "Now, tell my dad to move on."

"Ned!" Conor shouted.

"He just needs a little push." Little Ned insures, but Ned only made a face at him. "Just tell him about your life."

"Oh, I'm a high school teacher and I'm pregnant."

"You don't have a ring." Conor inquired, hoping it wasn't true.

"Oh, I was way off." Little Ned laughed, not expecting this at all.

"That's what I came to tell you guys. It's a boy, and my boyfriend and I are really excited. I feel ready to bring someone into this world."

"I'm making dinner." Conor said. "Would you like to stay for dinner?" Ned nodded and Little Ned cautiously watched.

As Conor out the food out, Ned continued. "I came to tell my-" Ned paused. "son about his half brother, and to ask you to be the Godfather."

"Let's eat first." Conor said, noticing that Ned was starting to show. He had to fight off being protective because that child wasn't his own, but he wanted to protect Ned from any harm.

As they are, Ned continued. "My boyfriend is Zach and he's over the moon." For the rest of dinner, Ned talked about how great his life was going, and Little Ned happily made sly remarks.

"Alright. Let's talk about the elephant in the room." Little Ned randomly interjects. "My dad is taken too." He lies, looking Ned straight in his crisp blue eyes. "He's hot too. I would know, I'm gay. Not that you'd be aware." Little Ned said snidely, then he looked at his father with a look of apology then he got up and left. Conor couldn't even muster a look of disappointment because, truly, he fully understood his son's actions. After leaving them, Ned started a family on his own. It's tragic, especially for a teenager.

"Ready to tell the truth?" Conor questioned, resting his head on his propped hands to listen.

"How'd you—"

"You may say we don't know each other, anymore, but I know you like the back of my hand." Conor confidently stated. "Our Ned's a bad liar, too—he gets it from you." Conor joked.

"Fine. Zach never changed. I thought he did, but I come back to our flat and he just packed up and left." Ned began tearing up, his eyes becoming red and his cheeks flushed. "So, I came here, considering you know some things about being a single parent." Ned places a hand on his ever-growing stomach.

"Speaking of being a parent." Connor got up, walking towards the landline. He picked up the phone and punched in numerous digits. "Ned, where are you? Okay, be back before dark. Love you." Connor came back to the table. "He's skateboarding. It helps him blow off steam, which he needs to do a lot. He's had a tough go of it." Ned nodded, knowing he was partially the cause.

"Does he still have that ant farm?" Ned jokingly asked.

"No, but he does have two fish named Mickey and Minnie, even though they're both boys." Conor said, laughing a bit. "So, what're we going to do?"


Connor made a puzzled expression, tilting his head slightly. "Well, I'm not going to abandon you when you need help."

"I don't need help."

"Fine, but it would make it easier. Raising a kid is difficult."

"What're you suggesting?"

"That you move in so we can help you." Connor plainly stated.

"No, Connor, that's too nice." Ned was startled, partially of being too close in vicinity to Connor. He'd never full gotten over Connor, so what would happen if they were together 24/7?

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