Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

🎶MM - Big Bang - Sunset Glow ☀️

You decide that you want to go dancing tonight. You love to dance. It's second nature to you.

You go to your closet and pick out a black halter and dark blue jeans. You're simple in what you wear. You pick out some accessories and put on some stylish black and red sneakers.

You get into a cab and tell the cab driver where to go. It's a pretty big dance club in Korea. Ran by YG. You were surprised when you got in the first time. You had a great time dancing.

You generally go by yourself. Most of your friends are married, as your older. In your 30s. But it doesn't mean you don't like to have fun!

You get to the club and there is a massive line. You generally stand out because, frankly, you're a white American woman. You don't dress like most. You see some pretty glitzy outfits and ladies wearing heels. Dressed to the nines. You shrug. You'll at least enjoy yourself and not worry if you're gonna be at a fashion show.

You get in line. You hear YG artists playing on the loud speaker. You know members from a lot of the YG groups go there. Last time you caught a glimpse of Seungri.

The club manager walks up and down the line, picking people from every part of the line. He points to you. He smiles and recognized you from last time.

"Nice to see you again miss!" He smiles.

"Thank you! Nice to see again!" You respond. He ushers you to the front of line. You get in quickly. Your hand gets stamped and you move inside.

The dance floor is massive. There's a stage and on each side are cages. Mostly people don't dance in them since you're on display. They also go up and down, slowly in the air. Which puts you even more on display.

That doesn't bother you one bit. You spent years in a club dancing in a cage. It was second nature. You really almost couldn't dance without the cage bars now.

You go up in the stage and get in one of the empty cages.

🎶 MM - B.B. - Bang bang bang

You smile. Such a fun dance song! You start dancing. The cage starts moving up. You get really into the song. Using the cage to dance skillfully. Popping and dancing. Lights are flashing up and down. The cage moves back down. It never went high. The crazy part of the song starts and you go crazy, dancing with the electronic sounds. You're hyped up. Dancing and jumping. The whole cage goes back up, the crowd down below is going crazy.

🎶MM - Taeyang- I need a girl

The song ends. You get out of the cage to go get a drink. There's a small line to the bar. You feel like your hair is standing up on your neck, like you're being watched. You ignore it. You're almost to the front and a man in a uniform comes up to you.

"Come with me miss," He says.

"What did I do?" You ask. He smiles.

"It's not bad. Just come with me." You follow him.

You get to the vip section and he opens the door for you. You look at him like he has two heads.

"Enter miss." He says says and points inside. You sigh and shrug, walking in. This was a first for you. You wonder what happened and if they made a mistake.

The man leads you to a table where you see YG and G-Dragon are sitting. You stop. You look at the man like he's lost his mind.

The man bows to you and you bow back. YG and GD stand up. You both do bows. YG gestures for you to sit down. You do, of course.

"You're a very passionate dancer," He says. "You enjoyed yourself so much out there. I don't see that at my club, as I'd like." You nod.

"I've been looking for a passionate cage dancer for a while. I plan to move it to just one cage in the front. This person would hype the crowd. I think you would do well at this." He says. You widen your eyes. You know compliments from YG are not common.

"Thank you sir. I do enjoy dancing. I've been cage dancing for years." You tell him.

"I can tell. It is like you and the cage are one. What do you say? Do you want to be hired as an exclusive cage dancer for YG? This could also include concerts for Big Bang and Winner." He says. Your eyes go wide.

"Yes. Yes I definitely would." YG smiles at you.

"First we will have to change your attire and style you." He writes down some information and gives you his card. "Please go here. They will take care of you."

You look at what he wrote. It was a high class salon and a high class boutique. You put it in your pocket. You're not sure what to do now. You go to stand up.

"No no. You must stay here. I insist you drink with us." You sit back down and cross one leg over the other. At this point GD hadn't spoken to you. He was quietly watching the situation. He gestured to a man. The man came over.

"Please give this lady what she would like." GD tells the man. The man turns to you.

"I'd like an AMF please. Vodka, Rum, Tequila and blue curaçao. The man nods and rushes to get it. You look over at YG and GD. You really have no idea what to say.

"I don't see many Americans in the club." He says to you.

"Yep. I stick out like a sore thumb." You say to him, laughing.

"Standing out isn't a bad thing." GD says. You laugh and shake your head. The man comes back with your drink. You thank him and sip on it. You really want to dance. But you stay still because you don't feel like you can leave yet. But you feel awkward.

"I'm sorry. This is so weird." You say, breaking the tension. "This is not something that happens to me. I'm not complaining but it seems like a dream." YG and GD laugh.

"Yes it must seem odd. I just don't see people with your kind of passion often. When I do, I snatch them up. I want my club to have something special. I think that's you." YG says.

You widen your eyes. "Me? That's crazy."

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