Chapter V

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Chapter V

 Soon they all had their favorite sports. They routinely went to a new place every day, two or three times a week went to the gym to keep condition. They also had fun from time to time,but didn't go out much with the guys- if you you read the first story you know how it ended with David ... there is no need for explanation.

 And the rest of the story? You know the rest ... in any case, I'll remind you, in case you've forgotten ...

 Blue, having kept her aside, had a peaceful life.During the first part is often referred to as being on the beach and surfing. In chapter IX also reveals her other side- side of the seductive girl. Together with Rose, she goes first to shopping, where he bought a black corset and leather shorts, then goes into a club they entered because Blue kissed the man who let people in. Chapter XIII describes her life at age 40. She is a surfer, a single woman living in her blue apartment. She visits Black with her best friend, Rose. Has a brother who lives in Hawaii.

 Rose was a bit more active than Blue. Most often she is described in situations that have to do with fashion. She is a shoppingholic who likes her friends, she is ready to be with them at any time. She has a sister, Orange, who has features similar to her. Almost died in a dangerous venture (jumping from combat aircraft before they explode) when the parachute did not want to open. In XIII chapter (before the last one), she becomes a business woman who wears business suits, but no matter what she remained happy, sweet girl from the beginning of the story. As I mentioned earlier, Rose and Blue are visiting Black together.

 She most often practiced yoga and pilates. Her role is becoming more important when her grandmother, the prophet, finds out that there will be an accident in which one of them will be killed. Since then, Green has become a protector of girls. Saves Rose from a sure death. Even when she went on vacation she was constantly worried about the girls being good. As soon as they went to the ski center, Red fell off the ski and they throught she's dead, while Green cried because she thought the prophecy was fulfilled. When Red said she was joking and started laughing Green slapped her, however, when the accident happened, Green blamed herself even though she tried to stop them. In the end she was only mentioned to live a quiet life, but wasn't mention where.

 White was the only one to find true love. It took her a long time to realize she was in love with Ling, a guy with whom she trained martial arts. Their first kiss was definitely the most romantic part in the book. Ling proposed her for her birthday,the 1th of January, she accepted. In her spare time, she trained martial arts and drank tea. As well as Rose, she almost died in an venture with combat aircrafts because the doors of her plane did not want to open. She went five seconds before the explosion. By the way, exactly she refused to do such a thing. She eventually lives with Ling in Japan and has two children.

 Red... we all know how her story ends... Sometimes people pay for their mistakes in the worst way. However, we are going back to the beginning. Red won the car race. She mostly plays the guitar (what neighbors complain about). The best friend, Black, soon becomes her the biggest enemy. Spends Christmas by herself and welcomes New Year in the embrace of David, Black's-not-meant-to-be fiancé. On the first morning of the New Year Black comes to the Red, sees David in her apartment and it made her angry. At the celebration of White's birthday Red said something about Black not wanting David and then real quarrel begins (Black begins to hate Red but other girls did not know this). During the walk in the park Red behaved very supreme toward Black, and during the skate ride they argued for the first time in front of other girls.
One summer party near the pool turned into a tragedy. Red spilled a drink on Black and then they argued like never before. They made a deal- which one first gets to a certain place with motorbike gets David. Both Red and Black were drunk with cocktails. They did not put helmets and summer rain poured, however, they drove on an open road. When Red turned to see what happened to Black she hit the truck and died on the spot. A few years later, Black comes to her grave. The last time she appears in Black's dream.

 Black story begins immediately - at the very beginning of the story she has 42 years and lives in a small, gloomy room. As a 22-year-old she does extreme sports. Her hobby is a skateboarding and roller skating through the park. After a tumultuous teenage age(you read that in this story), Black becomes different. However, when her family brought David on Christmas dinner as her fiancé and when her mother asked her when she would stop doing extreme sports and calm down, Black replied, "I'll calm down when I die." Regardless of the fact that at first she didn't want to marry David, she was very angry when she found him in Red's apartment. Despite all the attempts to stay sane, Black finally chose the duel as an option.Too late she notice that there is no helmet, a few minutes before the brake breaks down and motorbike falls into the abyss.She remains alive, but immobile.

Parents take her away and she eventually lives in one room. She had shorter hair than before and looked much older. She was really happy to see Blue and Rose, who took her the next day to the city where they once lived. Black visits the Red's tomb for the first time after the accident. In the dream she dreams Red and forgives her everything, Red is then taking her away and Black dies.

  If you've read the story this was your little reminder and if you didn't do it- of course, I suggest you, I think you will like it.

The end
Suzana Ristic Suza
25.7.2012-August 2012

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