Born Different

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I was running down the halls, searching for my brothers. They were supposed to go hunting and I planed to go with them. Neither Loki or Thor liked having me come. They think me to be reckless.

I ran down a flight of stairs and came upon a balcony. I could see my brothers mounting their horses, ready to go hunt. I stepped up onto the railing and spread out my sixteen foot, black and white wings. A nurse who happened to walk by paused and turned to me. She screamed as I jumped off the edge. As I plummeted toward the ground, my wings lifted me and I angled myself towards my siblings. I landed carefully between Loki and Thor.

"Well Idocolence, nice of you to show up," Thor said as he helped me mount his horse.

"You didn't think I would abandoned you two, did you?" He laughed and jumped up behind me.

"Ready to go destroy some monsters and hunt some action?" Loki asked, leaning toward me.

"Of course I am." I held my hand out in front of me and snapped my fingers. Fire appeared above my hand. I opened my hand to the palm and cackling electricity was there. I smiled to myself as a mentally checked all my skills such as mind reading and emotion reading.

Hey Loki, can you hear me?

I sent the thought through his mind.

Yeah, he thought.

When we crossed the rainbow bridge to get to Hindel, we met up with Lady Sif and the warriors three. Thor had asked them to come with us. While Thor got along great with everyone, Loki and I were all set standing off to the side. Sif didn't like me and I never hung out with the others. It was always Loki and me or Loki, Thor, and me. But Thor was beginning to drift away as our father prepared him to be king. I had seen Loki's thoughts and knew he had always wanted to outdo Thor, to become king.

Loki understood me a lot better than Thor did. Loki knew what it was like to be different, to be judged by your appearance compared to your family. I don't look like Thor, like my mom Frigga, or my dad Odin. I looked more like Loki than anyone. Except my white blond hair and gold and black eyes.

Thor only wants to protect Loki and me from the dangers of the nine realms. But there are things like power and war that even he can not protect us from. Yet he tries anyway.

When we got to the Bifrost, Hindel was standing there, already waiting for our arrival.

"We wish to enter Jotunheim," Thor said as we approached Hindel.

"And why would the king of Asgard, wish me to open to gates and send him there?"

"We have hunting business there."

"Very well then," Hindel said as he turned and opened the Bifrost.

"Who said we were going to Jotunheim?" I asked, craning my neck to look at Thor.

"I just did, did I not?" I rolled my eyes as I slid off Thor's horse and entered the Bifrost.

After everyone came through (not counting the horses) we set off to fight frost giants. I walked next to Loki as Thor was busy talking to everyone else. Suddenly something flew by Sif's head and she ducked. I looked at the thing as it lodged itself into an ice block. It was an ice spear, one that can only be crafted by a frost giant. I looked up just in time to avoid an arrow that landed right behind me.

"We're under attack!" Loki shouted. Thor grinned and swung Mujmer around. He launched himself at the first wave of frost giants. I spread out my long wings and became air born. From here, I could see all of Thor's friends and both my brothers. Loki was doing a spectacular job, disappearing and reappearing, creating more of himself. I flew forward until I had reached the gate that led to the center of Jotunheim. It was open so I went in and saw Laffey sitting on his throne. I landed on the ground and tucked my wings. I glared up at him and he smiled down at me. His guards made a move toward me but he held out a hand to stop them.

"Wait," he said, still focused on me. "We wouldn't want to hurt family would we?"

"I have no relation to you or any of your monster kin!" I shouted at him. "I am the daughter to Odin!"

"Is that what he brought you up to believe? You believe the lies he told you and Loki? Why do you think you and Loki are so different from your beloved "family"? Why they don't understand the powers you two have? You were born here in Jotunheim. As was Loki," Laffey said with relish. I stared at him. It couldn't be true, it just couldn't. Father had treated Loki and me like his own children. There had been little difference from the way he treated Thor vs the way he treated us. It couldn't be true.

"You lie!" I shouted. "Neither me nor Loki could have been born to a monster like you! We are of Asgard where we rightfully belong."

"You think I lie? Then tell me, young Idocolence, why don't you look like your adopted family?" I opened and closed my mouth. I had no reply to that. It was true I didn't look like anyone but Loki. Just then, everyone ran into the throne room. Loki made a move toward me but Thor held him back.

"Laffey! Let her go! She has done nothing wrong," Thor yelled.

"Yet your father has. Do you really think of her or him is your sibling, little prince?" Laffey asked, gesturing at Loki and me. "Your father raised all three of you on lies. These two are my children. Odin stole them from me and I will have what is mine!" He lunged at me and grabbed my arm. I tred to move away but his hands were ice cold and boring into my skin. I watched as my whole arm turned the same color blue as his. I stared at my arm. Only a frost giant changed from skin color to blue like that. I felt arms wrap around me and looked up to see Loki there. He was watching my arm turn blue. Tentatively, he reached out and touched my wrist. His hand turned blue just like mine. I shivered and pressed against him.

"Loki," I whispered. His grip tightened and he yanked me away from Laffey. Laffey smiled at both of us.

"I will see you both soon, my children." With that he sat back in his throne and held out his hand. Suddenly, everyone was outside the castle.

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