Let Me Die

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Later, I went down for dinner to find Odin drunk and still drinking. Carefully, I sat down in my usual spot across from Loki. His chair was empty tonight. I looked up from my dinner as Thor slid into his spot next to me.

"Father," he said. "Why don't you go see Mother? You are drunk and need to go rest before something is said that you'll regret." Odin just laughed and shouted, "another!" As soon as finished, I slid out of my chair and was preparing to leave when Odin called out my name. I turned to him and the people he was sitting next to.

"See? What did I tell you? She's a beautiful girl and is more powerful than you could imagine."

"Is that true, Odin?" A drunk man with brown hair was sitting next to him. "She doesn't seem like she would do anyone any harm."

"Oh, Gregory, if only you knew. Her brother is just like her, powerful, sneaky, brave, daring. Neither of them are my children, however. They were born to Laffey. This girl," Odin suddenly shouted dramatically. "And her brother are death themselves. She is a bomb, waiting to go off, to kill everyone of us!" I flinched back from his words. I whirled around and headed toward the stairs.
"Run away now, Death. Run away while you can before I kill you. I will have you and Loki's power!" Odin and his friends laughed like maniacs. Their laughs followed me all the way to Loki's room.
"Loki," I whispered as I knocked on the door. "Loki, are you in there?" The door opened and looked up to see Loki, dressed in a tight green shirt that showed off his muscles and grey pants.
"Idocolence, what is it?" He asked as he leaned in the doorway.
"I need to leave. I need a break. I just had to tell someone before I left." He nodded and walked out the door.
"I'll come with you," he said as he stepped out into the hall. We walked down to the Bifrost and stopped in front of Hindel.
"Where does Lady Idocolence and Prince Loki wish to go on this fine evening?" Hindel asked. To be honest, I hadn't really thought about where to go. Defiantly not Jotunheim.
"Midgard," Loki said and I looked up at him. He smiled and me and I grinned back.
When we landed on Midgard we landed in a field of tall grass. I searched the area, hunting for some place quiet. When I found a forest I called for Loki and we entered together. It was pretty in there, all the green. We scaled a tree and settled at the top. There I told my brother everything that Odin had said about us. He listened, frowning slightly.
"What he said, made me want him to let me die," I said. Let me die were the key words because Loki sat up straighter.
"You wouldn't choose to die, would you?" I shook my head. I was exhausted so after I finished I layer down next to my brother, stretching out my long wings. Carefully, I allowed on of my wings to cover Loki. He sighed and turned toward me. I allowed my eyes to close and I was asleep.
I woke up the next morning and didn't see Loki anywhere.
"Loki!" I shouted, looking over the side of the tree. I jumped off and expanded my wings and landed softly on the grass. "Loki! Loki, where are you?" I peered through the trees, searching for Loki. I was beginning to get worried. There was a rustle behind and I whipped around to see Loki standing there, his eyes fixed on me.
"Where were you?" I shouted, glaring at him. "I was looking for you!"
"Sorry." He scanned the skyline above my head. "So, what are we to do now?" I hadn't really thought that far ahead, so I just shrugged.
"Why don't we go to the city that never sleeps, I've heard Odin talk about it and I've always wanted to go." He nodded and we set out to the city.
By the time we got there, it was late afternoon and the sun was perfectly positioned in the sky.
"I like it here," I said to Loki. "No one is staring at us. They're treating us normal." He smiled in reply as we wandered the streets.
"If I was ever to take over Midgard, I would start here. The people are so incompetent," Loki stated. I looked up at him questionably but didn't say anything.

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