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I woke up with a start, my neck aching. I looked down; I had been sleeping on the floor apparently.I rolled over and checked my phone, no messages, no calls and no updates. I sighed to myself and got up lazily, brushing out my hair with my hands.“Makayla,” My mother knocked on my door before slowly opening it and walking in. “are you okay to go to school today?”        

 I nodded to her and ushered her out of my bedroom, proceeding to get changed into my uniform. Once I was dressed and had my makeup on I didn’t bother with breakfast or saying goodbye, I just got my bag and left out the front door.

I stepped out into the bitter outdoors, my hair flipped around, carried by the wind. I walked down the pavement, my eyes watery and my teeth chattering. You can get through school! The teachers already know your situation Mae, it will be easy. I tried to give myself a boost of confidence for school; I had to be prepared for what was to come.

The large green gates opened and hundreds of teenagers swarmed in, including my best friend Jocelyn who, once she spotted me, pulled me along into the school and proceeded to head towards her form.

 “Mae, it is okay I already know your situation, your mother Linda called.” Jocelyn smiled at me and never let go of my hand. How am I putting up with this crap, I could be at home if I wanted right now? I felt like I wanted to kill someone, I just wanted to wrap my hands around someone’s neck and strangle them to death. Stop having such violent thoughts! 

“How will you deal with trying to answer questions in class?” Jocelyn looked at me expectantly, and then remembered that I wouldn’t be replying anytime soon. I didn’t think of that, I guess I will have to use a whiteboard and write things down. Ugh this was painful and hadn’t even got into class yet.              

Finally after walking in silence for ten minutes the bell went and Jocelyn and I parted ways. When I arrived in form my tutor greeted me with a warm and genuine smile, it was nice to know she wasn’t outright judging me. The familiar faded, dull blue walls matched my mood.  Once register was taken we were given our timetables for the year. I had double maths, then Physics and English, and after lunch, it was double Art. Double maths on the first day back was pretty harsh.                                                  

 I made my way to maths, this time without Jocelyn as she was now in a higher set than me; she was a whiz at maths and most things actually. I wasn’t good at it at all, but my hatred was the fuel for sure so I didn’t put much effort into it anyway.                                                                                  

I sat one row from the front, next to a new boy. He was definitely tall and slender but he didn’t have any muscles whatsoever, his brown eyes were framed with glasses that sat at the end of his nose. He seemed nice enough so I took a quick glance and smiled at him as our eyes met. I pointed to my name on the top of my book.                                                                                                                          

 “I’m Kieran,” he whispered. “Makayla is a weird name.” His eyes widened. “I didn’t mean weird, I meant um… unusual.” He stuttered a bit which made me smile but I just held my hands up and shook my head, he let out a breath of relief.                                                                                                          

About five minutes into the lesson, just as everyone settled in, Jacob came sauntering into class, mumbling an apology to the teacher.                                                                                                        

“Hey babe, I saved you a seat.” His girlfriend Georgia was waving to him with her freshly manicured nails. Jacob proceeded to sit on the other side of me; I turned my head away and kept my head down in the small task the teacher had set everyone. I couldn’t help but get annoyed by the feel of him staring at me. I turned to face him, narrowing my eyes.                                                                            

“Oh there you are Mae.” Don’t call me that. Only my close friends could give me nicknames, it just sounded like an insult when someone as disgusting as Jacob Matheson said it. I went back to my work just as Jacob leaned in to whisper something in my ear.                                                                            

“I’m sorry,” I was shocked, my eyes widened in surprise and I turned to face him, almost snapping my pencil in shock. An apology won’t fix what you did to me but it’s a start I guess. “I was um… hoping we could be friends?” It was more of a question and he obviously didn’t realise I couldn’t answer him. I nodded and he looked confused, almost hurt.                                                                

“All I get is a nod; can’t you even answer me properly?” Jacob took a deep breath to stop him from getting too angry. You are lucky I even acknowledge you; I don’t think you even deserve that.  I shook my head. He grimaced. “So, can you forget-“                                                                                                      

 “Enough,” I jumped at the sound of the teacher shouting, cutting Jacob off. “I told you I wanted silence, detention, both of you at lunch time." Did I just get a detention for talking? I stared open mouthed at Jacob. If only he could see the irony of this. Jacob mumbled a string of swear words under his breath and started his work.

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