Yato x Depressed!Reader

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Trigger warning: Mentions suicide and a lot of dark and depressing thoughts as the reader is severely depressed in this. Stay strong, guys 

9. "Go away."
23. "If you die, I'm gonna kill you!"

The thick burgundy curtains were a barrier to the outside world: sunlight, warmth, people and life. They never came through and it was relieving because, then, nothing bothered to come to her with fake hopes of a better tomorrow. Tomorrow would be the same as today and yesterday. And then, tomorrow would turn into yesterday and the next tomorrow, too, would bleed into the book of days, and the days would flick with the wind and into, pages of the month and then pages of the year. It was never ending; the days would keep on passing by as she lay numbly in the space of her unlit room, the dark crevices of her brain plagued with demons of the past, present and the future. She had accepted this bitter truth and thus, like the last few days, she only drank water and laid in her sheets.

But, it was also disappointing. A small voice in the back of her head  - almost mute - cried for some warmth. Anything. Something, anything, that would warm the chilly crevices of her being. Something that would engulf her in a tranquil embrace and soothe the plagues of her mind.

The voices she heard cried for her to give up and to die, life is worthless, they cried.

But, she was too much of a coward to give up on life. 

She walked to her nightstand, and with shaky hands, grabbed the white piece of parchment that lay limply there. It had been laying there for a long time. And, she had now memorised its contents by heart: everyday, she picked it up and stared at it, hoping her hands would work on their own accord and dial the number. Just press those keys on her wretched phone. Yet, her body and mind became completely separate every time she tried. The paper was crumpled, thanks to the water she'd dropped on it, along with her tears.
Please, please, she pressed the keys, her vision blurry and her head swimming.

The voices chanted: You're no good, (Y/N). Life is terrible. Don't call him. He hates you. You are weak. No one wants you here-
She almost hung up, giving in to the voices, when a familiar loud and cheerful voice reached her ears from the other end of the line.

"Hello! Thank you for calling! Fast, affordable and reliable! Delivery God Yato, at your service!"

Hush, (Y/N). You don't need to live or give in. He thinks you are repulsive. Just follow us and we'll end your suffering..

Her voice came out in short puffs, "Y-yato-"

"(Y/N)?" His voice fell, "Are you okay-"

Click. She hung up.

She grabbed the box of medicines from her closet and prepared for what the voices wanted.

A figure suddenly appeared in front of her. "(Y/N)! If you die, I'm gonna kill you!"

Her voice was weak and she pushed him aside, "Yato.... please. Go away........" 

The blue-haired boy's eyes widened and he shook her shoulders, "WHAT WERE YOU DOING?"

She dropped the jar of sleeping pills and sobbed, "Yato.. please. I don't want to die! I really don't want to die! Make it stop! Make these voices stop! Or I'll die! I don't want to die-"

 He wrapped his arms around her tightly, his voice shaky, "I am here now, (Y/N). Don't worry. You will be okay. Believe in me, OK?" 

"They'll make me kill myself, Yato," her voice finally cracked, "I'm scared, please. I don't want to die. I don't want to die!"

"Your wish has been heard loud and clear, (Y/N)."

He then gently sat her down on the bed and called out Yukine, his regalia. The sword glistened in the barely lit room and Yato struck at all the phantoms in her room, around her body and the ones that clung to her, sucking all the life out of her and whispering harsh lies into her head.

One, by one, the voices began to screech and slowly, they disappeared.

They were gone.

She held her head in her hands, trying to get the tears to stop but they wouldn't. She collapsed, the tears overwhelming her. Yato sat down next to her, his eyes glistening with tears of his own.

"They're gone now.. They are gone, (Y/N)," he gently mumbled, running his hands through her hair, comfortingly. "You are okay."

"I'm sorry. I promised you I'd look for more in life. I said I'd never desert you like this-"

"(Y/N), you are brave. So brave. You wanted to live even in the face of death and that makes me respect, love and cherish you even more," he hugged her very tightly.

His familiar scent brought another round of tears. She remembered all the good times she'd had with her friend, the quirky God. All the times she'd called him randomly to help her with chores, or just company. And she recalled the big smile he'd give her when she handed him his fee of five-yen. She remembered how he had always been just a phone-call away: ready to do whatever for his friend, (Y/N).

Yato gave her a small smile, pulling away. "Where's my fee?" He asked, desperately trying to lighten the mood.

"Five-yens? You saved my life, Yato. I can't ever repay you."

"Yes, you can. By choosing to stay by my side and by choosing to hold on and stay strong no matter what."

She cried into his chest, holding onto her friend very tightly. "Thank you."

"Thank you, (Y/N), for not giving up," he pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead, pushing stray strands of hair away. "I'm so proud of you."

He held her in his arms for the longest time and she felt safe in his warm embrace.


A/N: I started Noragami today and I just wanted to say I love Yato?? So much?? He's an actual ball of cuteness and wow I'm so???

Anyway, stay strong, everyone. I believe in you! ♡

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