3 •Moments of silence•

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I just decided that most of these chapters will mainly just be in third view! Jus' a slight heads up! <3

Tweek sat at the table, thinking. His gaze out the window, a dark pale sky that shined a slight amount of light. It was about 6 am. Tweek debated on whether he should even go to school or not today. If he should go to that fucking hellhole and suffer another couple hours. He took a sip of his now newly made cup of coffee as he continued to look outside the window thinking about anything that popped into his mind.

Tweek was snapped back into reality when his phone buzzed meaning he had just received a message, he unlocked his phone and saw his boyfriends name on the screen. "You better fucking go to school today". Was all he read. Tweek sent a thumbs up, he tossed his phone on the table and roughly ran his fingers through his hair showing a sign of stress. He felt his twitching become more vigorous. So he chugged the rest of his cup of coffee before getting up to go get ready.

After brushing his teeth and TRYING to fix his hair, he went to pick out some clothes. Usually he would wear his casual green button up shirt. But today he really needed to hide these newly forming bruises. He decided on a light grey baggy hoodie and a black scarf. He never really wore hoodies or baggy clothes, but today was an exception.

It was about 7 am and Tweek needed To start walking to school. Just as he was about to leave his phone buzzed again and Tweek read yet another message from his boyfriend, "Hope you're on your way, sorry for being mean yesterday. Also try not to twitch so much today, jeez it's embarrassing." Tweek stared at the message for a couple moments before swiftly turning and punching the door. Tears threatening to fall from his eyes as he felt his knuckles sting and a liquid  making its way down his fingers. "I couldn't have punched it that hard..." he thought.

Tweek wasn't a person to punch things, not in front of people at least. He rarely ever does but when he has so much on his chest and is stressing the fuck out he never really has a proper way to deal with it other than harming himself. Tweek may seem like the twitchy weird spaz. But really he's just going through so much.

Tweek was about to go wash his knuckles, but he really needed to get to school. So with a tired shaky sigh, he walked out.

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