Chapter Four

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"I'm glad we got there when we did. I mean, who knows what he could've done to her if we hadn't been there in time." Declan says lowly, anger evident  in his tone as he glanced over to the bed, where the petite girl laid.

"I don't even want to think about it." Dimitri replied as he looked out at the world from the window, with his arms crossed over his chest. "One of us needs to be calm when she wakes up. One of us needs to remain level headed." He sighed, glancing at his brother for a brief moment, but this voice had a hidden tone of restraint to it.

Both boys watched intensely as the girl on Declan's bed began to stir, her eyes opened but they were slightly blurry. What happened? She wondered. She reached out,  noticing the bed wasn't hers and neither was the room. Her room wasn't made of a classic chandelier,  grey walls and black silk bed sheets. Where was she? She questioned.

Groggily, she sat up and allowed her eyes to adjust to the light in the room. "Can someone please turn the lights off?" Tori asked hoarsely, groaning and shielding her eyes as they finally adjusted to the light, her eyes still a bit sensitive to the light. She looked around, taking in her surroundings. Right, she'd been tricked and almost raped. Then saved by these two men. Then after that, things became fuzzy. That's all she remembered.

Dimitri chuckled at her, for some reason finding her cute, as he closed the curtains and briskly waked over to the bedside table, turning on the lamp. He heard Tori sigh in relief and a little smile played on his lips. He turned toward her and made his way over to the space next to his brother. "How do you feel?" Declan asked, concern controlling his tone.

She nodded and gave them a reassuring smile. "Better. Thank you both, so much. I'm sorry to have imposed on you in such a way." She said, her face feeling hot and a light blush filling the apples of her cheeks. Both Declan and Dimitri shake their heads, both of their mouths mirroring the other's with a small yet pitiful smile. "No, it's no trouble at all, little one. We're just glad you're okay." Dimitri said in a soft voice, making his way over to the side of the bed where she was.

She jumped up off the bed and was met by a violent shiver as the cold air lashed at her body. She immediately looked down and saw that she was only in her bra and panties. She gasped and grabbed the sheet, covering herself with it. "I need to go. But, I'm not sure where my clothes went. Last time I checked, I was still wearing pants." She says, looking at them accusingly.

Dimitri chuckled at the feistiness and so much vigor within this petite woman. He was truly intrigued. Declan came up to her, making Tori take a step back from how close he was. He gave her a once over. Tori tilted her head and gave him a confused look. "Can I help you?" She asked after a minute. Declan looked up at her and shook his head, a small chuckle falling from his lips.

Tori stared back at him with bewildered eyes, watching his every move carefully. "Where are my clothes?" she asks slowly in a small voice, the man in front of her intimidating her and making her feel small. This was unusual.

"Your shirt was ripped to shreds and you threw up on your pants and we don't own a washer and dryer. So, we threw them away." Declan murmurs, stepping back from her.

Tori's eyes widened and she didn't know which was worse. The fact that she'd thrown up in front of two strangers or the fact that they had to strip her and saw her in only her undergarments. This week couldn't get any worse, she thought.
"Alright," she brushed it off as if it was nothing, not wanting to seem like such a... girl... if she freaked out. She stood there in only her undergarments, with a thin sheet covering her bareness, and the brothers stared at her while she stared at everything but them. "No problem." she sighed.

"So, can I go home?" She asks Declan, wanting nothing more than to lay in her bed and curl up with Zara. Declan shrugged. "That's yet to be determined... I-" he cut himself off but recovered quickly, "We, want to make sure you'll be okay." He hummed.

Tori's eyebrows furrowed. "Okay, so I can go get checked out by a doctor when I go home. No big deal." She shrugged, trying to go home, however having no idea why she felt compelled to listen to him and stay.

She watched as Declan's jaw clenched and unclenched. "That won't be necessary, sweetheart." He says huskily. "You could stay here and we could watch over you." He offers. Tori opens her mouth to say something but quickly closes it when she sees the stern look in Declan's eyes. She didn't want to challenge or upset him.

After a moment of silence, Tori spoke up, changing the subject. "So, about the clothes situation..." She trailed off, looking everywhere else, avoiding looking at the boys. Dimitri  stood up and pinched the back of his white t-shirt at the neck, pulling it over his head. He grips the shirt in his hand and thrusts it towards the practically naked girl standing in front of him. Tori watched as his muscles flexed as he stretched his arm out to her, handing her his shirt. She hadn't realized her mouth was open, or that she'd been staring.  She couldn't believe how taut he was.  She'd never seen a man with such built muscle.
 "Close your mouth, little one. Your face will get stuck if you stay like that for too long." Declan joked, playfully nudging his brother's shoulder with his own. Dimitri chortled and stared at the woman who had still not put on his shirt.

She shook her head and closed her mouth. Turning around and letting the sheet drop around her feet, she slid the shirt over her head. Letting out a sigh of relief as she looked down, seeing it stop at her mid thigh; she felt better. "Better?" he asks throatily. She nods. "Much better, thank you." She flashes him a smile and he nods in response.

"Again, thank you for last night. Really, I don't know how I could ever repay you guys." Tori said sincerely.

The boys smiled at her. "We have a suggestion." Declan says, perking his head up and looking at her."Name it." She says, trying to contain her eagerness to show her gratefulness towards her heroes.

"Stay here with us for two weeks." he suggests, more like demands. Tori looks at him in utter disbelief. Had she just imagined this? He didn't really ask this of her, did he? "I uh, I- I'm sorry, what?" she asks stuttering, wanting clarification that she was just hearing things. Dimitri chuckles, as if thinking ahead. "No, nothing bad of any sorts. We just want to make sure you're okay. By you staying here, we can do that." Dimitri rectifies.

"Um I don't think I-" she shuts up when Declan walks up to her, so close that their bodies are touching. Her breath hitches as she dares to look him in the eye. What is this? What am I doing? She wonders.

His breath fans over her face as he says four little words, authority dripping from them, "You are staying here."

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