Soul Mate part 4

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-Part 4-

Okay, so I finally got my Microsoft word working again, so I'll write it there first, then post it here-much better spelling  Here's part four, I hope you like it.

-Recap- 'Sorry, Darlin'.'

I woke slowly, my head, hurt, along with my ribs, well... Thinking about it now, everything hurt.

I slowly pulled myself out of the bed, whimpering every now and then. I needed to get down to the kitchen, and help my mother with breakfast before my father came downstairs. I'd just get beat for being lay, or good for nothing, as he so lovingly put it.

It took a few minutes, but I finally pulled myself into an upright position, before gazing around my room.

I stopped, numb.

This wasn't my room. It wasn't a dream.

We'd done it! We'd gotten away!

No. We hadn't I had. Only me. Alone. My mother was gone, dead. She was never coming back. This didn't matter without her here. Nothing did.

I sand to down, making a loud thud on the solid wood flooring. I backed into a corner, as I heard people making their way up the stairs. I just sat their crying. I didn't care. I f they wanted to hurt me, I was right here, no use in hiding.

Nick, the Alpha, bust through the door, about half a dozen guys on his heels.

I just stared at him, and he stared back.

He stopped dead when his eyes met mine, the people behind him tripping over themselves, trying to stop the momentum propelling them forwards.

He turned and gave them a look, clearly saying stay here.

He took slow measured steps towards me, as if I was a wounded animal, to be wary of. In a way, I guess I was.

As he came within a foot of me, survival kicked in over my grief for my mother. She would have wanted me to be safe, and happy.

I stated to hyperventilate, and tried to back away, only to be reminded that I was already in a corner. As far from him as I could get, and completely at his mercy.

He stopped as soon as he saw my panic at his nearness.

He crouched down so he was at my level.

I didn't calm down. This meant next to nothing. At that level, it would be easier to shift, and attack, easier to lunge. Easier to hurt me.

He had a sad look on his face, as if my fear had hurt or offended him.

He inched backwards, giving me more room, and I took a deep quivering breath. It was like a huge weight had been removed, although it did nothing to staunch my tears.

'I'm not going to hurt you. I just need to ask you some questions.' His face calm and serene, as if this was an everyday occurrence, hysterical girls being held captive in his house.

'Please' I managed to choke out, my voice broken, and barley above a whisper. 'Let me go.'

He sighed, and rubbed a hand over his eyes.' I can't do that.' He sounded sorry, but his tone meant business.

'Why not'. I whispered. I was so tired. I lay against the wall, holding my knees to my chest.

'Darlin'..... I didn't hear the rest, before blackness surrounded me.

I felt myself being lifted off the ground, and into strong arms. I weakly tried to push him away, but t was no use. He was too strong, and I was too tired.

I gave up, and slept.

I dreamt of my mother.

'Mom?' I called out. I was surrounded by a black fog, and no matter how hard I pushed, or how far I ran, it followed me. I couldn't escape it. I heard laughter. I would recognize that voice anywhere. It was my dad.

What he said that day in the clearing came back to haunt me.

'I'm coming for you Annabelle.' Over and over again.

I felt hands touching me, but I never saw who they belonged to. They just ran laughing into the fog.

I was trashing, but they just kept coming, the laughter got louder, and louder. I screamed.

'Annabelle, wake up.' I heard cursing. Thinking it was my father, I trashed, screaming.

'It me, Annabelle, its Nick, wake up, come on, it's just a dream.'

I opened my eyes to see Nick on top of me, his legs on both sides of my hips, pinning my hands above my head.

I screamed again, this time for fear of Nick. He realized his mistake, and immediately was on the other side of the room, as I crushed my knees to my chest, backed up against the headboard, staring at him with wide eyes.

My eyes quickly checked the room. No fog, but an open door!

I didn't think, I just ran.

I flew down the hallway, and heard Nick coming after me.

I flew down the stairs, jumping the last few steps.

I could see the forest through the front door, when the door slammed shut, and a pair of arms wrapped round me from behind.

My knees buckled, and I feel to the ground sobbing. When I finally looked up, I saw a room full of guys, all looking at me with expressions varying from, pity, to sadness, to curiosity.

My head snapped to my left, as I heard a voice, and saw a person trying to break through the crowd of at least 30 guys.

'Ugg, move it Chase!' A guys with blue eyes and shaggy blonde hair, Chase, I presume, Moved aside instantly, as did everyone else.

I cringed, expecting someone very large and mean, harmful enough to scare all these guys. Instead, to my surprise, out stepped a girl around my age.

She marched right up to Nick, and poked a finger on his chest.

'You mister, are in a lot, of trouble, do you hear me!' She yelled into his face.

I watched in wonder. Doesn't she know not to talk like that! She is going to get hurt.

'Stop.' I whispered, worried for her. I kept looking form chase to the short brunette girl.

She looked at my, shooing Nick, who gently stood me up on my feet and stepped back, I immediately stepped against a wall, as far from everyone as possible.

The short girl stepped closer to me. She was my opposite, in every way.

She was loud, where I was silent, brunette while I was white blonde. Her eyes were the same shade of brown as her hair, while mine where a light green. I also had about a foot on her, but I don't think this gave me any advantage. She looked fierce, but oddly, managed to be stunningly beautiful at the same time.

'Honey', she said addressing me warmly, 'They're not going to hurt me. They're not going to hurt you either.'

I gave her a questioning look. I didn't trust her yet.

For all I know, they're going to hurt me anyways. What can say, trust doesn't come easily to me.

'What's your name?' She asks me kindly.

''Annabelle.' I whisper.

She stares at me in shock. 'Anna?" She asks me.

I stare at her. My mind suddenly goes blank.

'Beth?' I ask. She just nods excitedly. 'Beth!' I yell, and run to her. Hugging her and sobbing into her shoulder. I have my best friend back.

What do you think?

-Paige <3

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