Soul Mate part 13

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                                                        SOUL MATE


                                                           -Part 13-

-Recap: We would be friends.-

Annabelle P.O.V.:

'And, slowly breathe out.' Doctor Sherry instructed.

I exhaled slowly, feeling each and every crack and chip in my ribs. At least, it felt like I could. I looked over at Doctor Sherry, to see her lips turned down, and her brow creased in a frown, but it was not that which got to me, but rather her eyes.

The normally bright shine was still there, but was struggling to shine through the obvious curiosity, and worry that was becoming increasingly seen in the people around me.

I stared at her, before turning my gaze to Nick. He was also looking at Doctor Sherry, but in a completely different way, which I might add, was pissing me off!

His trademark smug, lopsided grin, matched with the triumph in his eyes had me thinking he would win this. I sat up straighter, turning my attention back to Doctor Sherry, who was still staring at me. I have to admit, even with Doctor Sherry, one of the kindest people I've yet to meet, the staring was slightly unnerving.

It was like she knew things that even I did not know . . . About myself.

'Hmm, well, I've never seen anything like this, but you're fine to go to the cemetery.' Her words were sure, but unbelieving, and her eyes never left me.

'What!' yelled Nick, his voice deadly. Not loud, but the obvious power was flinch worthy.

Doctor Sherry jumped at the sound of his voice, but immediately stood a little taller, and looked away from me, towards Nick.

In a way I was relieved. I can't describe it, but just the strength of her gaze. The intensity, of it, you could say, was crippling. I could breathe now that it was no longer focused on me.

'Excuse me?' Her tone was cold, and daring. That day was the first time I had ever seen her as anything other than the cheery doctor. I would never have guessed at the power that she had concealed carefully below her exterior.

You could hear it in her voice, and her posture was composed, and practiced. She was more than she appeared.

Nick was so mad he was almost shaking. 'She isn't going anywhere, she is hurt, and I don't care what you say, I will not let her get hurt.'

I stared up at him, confused, my gaze shifting from Doctor Sherry to Nick.

'You, of all people, know better than to go against me, Nick.' Her words were chilling.

This was an old fight, and it had powerful players. I slunk back against the wall, closing my eyes.

Nick stepped back, towards the door, appearing resigned, I observed through half opened eyes.

He leaned casually against the frame, his eyes, like, well, a wolfs'. Watching, and waiting, ready to strike. It scared me.

'Nick?' I asked, my voice trembling in time with my hands, as tentatively put my hand on his shoulder.

He stared straight at Sherry, but moved his body in front of me, as if to become my shield.

'I give up!' I said frantically, anything to break this silence.

'What?' Nick was the first to snap out of it, his head snapping from me to Sherry, noticing my distress, but not wanting take his eyes of Sherry, who was apparently now seen as a threat.

'Please, please,' I whimpered pathetically, on the verge of tears.

'What is it, baby girl?" He said, his hands buzzing frantically. 'Where does it hurt, are you okay?' He picked me up, and held me close, stroking my hair, looking for whatever had upset me, jaw clenched.

I just want out, my mind screamed as I whimpered, and snuggled closer.

'Please don't fight over this, let's just go home, and please Nick, please.' I leaned into him, my ribs protesting, as I tried to sway him towards the door.

'Go.' Said Sherry, her voice on edge. I looked up at her, over Nick's shoulder.

Her expression was a frightening mix of anger, and worry, but most distinctly pain.

Nick didn't need to be asked twice, and before I could blink, we were surrounded by the murals of green, and the brown of the forest.

By now the tears were running freely, but I just cringed, feeling his gaze on me.

'You okay, Darlin'?' He asked, voice rough with emotion.

I didn't say anything, afraid that the words wouldn't come out, as I clung tighter to his shirt.

I started to sob as the images flashed before my unwilling eyes.

My father, Mark, voices raised and angry fists.

Nick rocked me awkwardly in his arms, as his hands moved frantically around, stroking my hair, and face.

'Darlin', Darlin', please, what' wrong, what can I do?'

'I-I-I..' I choked out, 'Don't leave, please, please . . .' I begged, staring up at him with wide eyes.

'I won't leave you.' His voice broke as he tried desperately to say it in a way I would believe him.

I don't know if I ever would. People lie, and cheat. They steal and hurt you. People leave.

'I.' He spoke with utter promise. 'Will, never leave you'. As he spoke, his hand gently raised my face to his, and I stared into his eyes, and I don't know why, or even how, but I believed him.

And as he lowered his face to mine, I did something that shocked me.

I kissed him.

And it was amazing.



Okay, so firstly, I hope you liked it, and second I want to appologise for how short it is.

I haven't posted for a while, becuase I literally couldn't get onto my computer, I had to get my brother in law to hack it for me ;)

And I know it's short, but since I haven't posted in so long, I just wanted to get soemthing out, and I'm already working on the next, longer part.

Thanks for reading guys.

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