Chapter 11 The Past

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6 Decades Ago
Rowan's POV

"Your highness, have you made a decision?" A guard asks me.

"I have, but I am a just king; I will leave it up to the people what this mans fate should be. All who find this man guilty please raise your hand." All but a few members of the court raise their hands.

"The people have spoken, I hereby announce you Andrew Salazar guilty of the first degree."

"Your majesty, please forgive me. I was only trying to provide for my family, you have a child won't you do anything for him?" The man asks, while the guards hold him by the arms.

"The difference between you and I Andrew, is that I am the king; and as such, I have everything, I do not have to result to thievery." I throw my cloak behind my back and storm out of the room.

"You see what I mean? The boy has no sense of direction, you would never sentence that man to death because he stole fruit from the market. He is out of control Callisto." Janessa whispers to her husband. The royal family remain on the podium and watch as Andrew Salazar is beheaded.

"I do not agree with his choices, but he is king." Callisto replies.

"I want him gone, do you hear me? He is not my son, therefore I want nothing more to do with him." Janessa rises from her seat, and storms out of the room, steeping over the severed head.

"Father, you're back. What took you so long?" Donivan asks, jumping into my arms.

"Court took longer than expected, but I'm here now."

"Can we go out back and practice my magic? Remember, you said that you will help me."

"Of course we can, how else are you going to grow into a man like your father?"

Donivan and I vanish from inside our home, and arrive behind the castle where I've been training him.

"Father, look what I've learned how to do, don't take your eyes off of that tree." Donivan orders me, he grabs a knife off of the ground, and throws it to the other side of the field. The two of us walk over to the same tree he told me not to take my eyes off of, and to my surprise he managed to hit the bulls eye.

"How did you learn how to do that?"

"I don't know, it just came to me. It's great isn't it?"

"Indeed it is my son, indeed it is. Soon enough, you'll be sitting on my throne calling the shots."

"I can not wait until that day comes, I'm going to be the best king Namoria has ever seen."

"You're damn right, my son a king and his son after that. The Bellemore name will live on through you my child."

"Long may we reign." Donivan replies.

The Oracle's Household
Janessa's POV

"That feels so good, Kiara you have to try this." Pilot says to his sister, falling asleep on the massage table.

"Believe me I know, I've had a couple of rounds with him." She adds, giving the half dressed male a wink.

"I'm not surprised, this little cutie is to precious not to touch." Pilot admits, caressing the young males thigh.

"Where are you with the spell?" I ask, arriving into the Oracle's household.

"Ah, Janessa what a surprise." Jerhcio says sarcastically.


"We're still workin on it, we need one more ingredient for the spell to work." Carmella explains.

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