Ch. 1 New School

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Harry POV

"Harry this is your third time getting in trouble with the police!" My mom was yelling at me. I was used to this. I go and do drugs with my friends, maybe fuck a girl or two, then the police come and we all get in what people call in trouble. But I don't get it. We're just being kids. Leave us the fuck alone. "Harry are you even listening to me?!" My mom yelled at me.

"I already know what's going to go down. You'll say that I'm ground and not allowed out of the house. That will only last one day because you realize that grounding me is not going to stop me. Then we start over again and back to were we are now." I told her.

"No that's not happening this time. This time I'm sending you away." She told me. Her voice was clam. To clam.

"To where, grandma and grandpa's house? You know that don't give two rats shit about me." I told her.

"No your going to go to a school that will set you straight. Me and your father went to that school and we know the dean there and are good friends. I talked to him about it already and they are coming to get you with their son tonight." She told me, then she walked up stairs. She came back down with my bags. "They will be here soon." She told me.

I can't believe it. She is actually send me off. I never thought this day would come. I just looked at my mom expecting her to say that it was just a prank or something. But she just looked at me with a straight face. Then there was a knock on the door. My mom went to open it. "Hi Lily how are you?" I heard a voice say.

"I'm doing good Nas. Is this your son?" I heard my mom. I got up to see what was happening.

"Yes it is. Is that yours?" The woman at the door asked my mom. My mom turned and looked at me.

"Yes this is my tubule making son Harry." she said to the women. While her and the women talked I looked over at the women son. He was really hot. He was wearing a tight shirt where you can see his six pack and also had on some tight pants that I could see his dick. Maybe going to this school won't be so bad. If all the guys at this school look like him then shit I'll love it so much. "HARRY!" My mom yelled at me.

Everyone was looking at me. I didn't even realize that my bags where in the car. "Your really sending me off?" I asked my mom. She just nod her head.

"Come on now dear we should start to head to the school. There is a big dinner tonight." The women who's name I forgot already said to me and the boy. I just nod my head and went to the car I got into the big car. There was a another man in the car, it was the diver the women got into the front sit while the boy go into the back with me. There was a window that can close from the front sit. The women pushed a button then the window closed.

Now me and this sexy as hell boy are in the back by our self. It was quit for a minute or two then he spoke. "My name is Draco," He said with a deep voice, "Your Harry but I'll call you Princess ok, and you will call me Daddy." He said before I called talk back.

"What the hell do you mean I call you Daddy?!" I yell at him. He looked at me he had this look in his eyes that I didn't like. A look that made me put my head down in shame like I was in trouble with him or something.

"There are going to be rules. One you can not say any putty words, Two you will always call me daddy, and Three never ever yell at me or you will get in trouble. Understand?" He asked me. I nod my head. "When I speak to you I want an answer." He told me.

"Yes, Daddy." I mumble. He nod his head then went back to looking at nothing really. What the hell did my mom get me into?

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