Chapter 12- Slade and Jagger vs Chazz and Joey

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So day two of the tournament was underway duel academy's team of Yugi Moto and Jaden Yuki had already won enough challenges into the finals which is where they were headed but we're interrupted by Slade and Jagger Princeton Chazz's older brothers and so before they got to the final Joey had to rely on Chazz to duel them as a team which he doesn't like

"Chazz you are gonna need to trust in Joey" says Yugi confidently with an awkward smile
"No one tells the Chazz what to do because I'm going to CHAZZ IT UP." Chazz yells back at Yugi.

As Joey and Chazz start preparing for their match against Chazz's older brothers Slade and Jagger, Joey tells Chazz to believe in the heart of the cards Chazz retaliates and says there is no such thing as the heart of the cards. And that he should stop listening to Yugi's teachings.

Joey and Chazz are putting up an effort battle however Slade and Jagger's cards are too powerful for them to attack indivually they need to team up together to take down these two. "Hey Chazz i got an idea, you got your level 3 armoured dragon on the field how about i use the magic of Time Wizard to level up your dragon to level 10?" Joey suggested
"Are you crazy that could obliterate your defense so go on do it!" Slade ordered
I need to trust Joey on this i cant let them win this must be done!
"Yes Joey use Time Wizard!"
"Alright come on Time Magic!"
Joey uses the effect of his monster which lands on a time capsule therefore aging Armoured Dragon level 3 to level 10 and baby dragon to a Thousand year Dragon
Joey discards red eyes black dragon to activate the effect of aroumored dargon lvl 10 which is able to destroy all monster on Slade and Jaggers side therefore leaving them wide open for an attack from the two dragons. Thats right attack Jagger's trap of mirror force will destroy your dragons!

"Joey attack i know Jagger's plan my face down card will come in handy!"
"Wait what how does Chazz know our plan?"
"I trust you Chazz!" Joey orders the dragons to attack Jagger activates Mirror Force, Chazz then retaliates with Royal Decree
The duel ends and Chazz and Joey are victorous

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