part 4: caught

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Peter wolked in to see tony stark and thanos on tye bed nekkid. "THANOS" yelled peter "I THOUGHT U LOVED ME???!?!?!!??" he cried. "BB ITS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE" crieed thanos . tony got up and stood in a defensive stance infront of thanos, still naked "peter admit it i'll treat him better then u could" he said smirjing. peter went red. "Pot some cloths on u playboi" retorted petet. "I can do whot i want im tony start." He szid still smirjing . "Tony hellp" whisperd thanos . tony spun around! "WHAts the mater bb?!???" he said panickked making peter go red sith anger this tiem. "t-tony, p-peter i love you both" said thanos cryin.g. "WHAT !!" said both pete4 and tony in unison. "But i though we r maried" saidpeter "but ill treat u right" said tony . "I CANT CHOOSE!!!!!!" wailed thanos cryijg his sorows out still naked on toniz bed. They heard a knok at the door. "ill get it" said tony and went to the door but before he can open it the door is smashed down andin the dorway is naked loki wiht his scepeter thibggy . "jarvis take aphoto of loki pls " said tony lahghing hes arse off. "ok u slut" said jarvis and tok the pictyre. "jarvus send the photi to everyone " cackled tony "alright bitch face" said jarvis and captain amercia walkd up behind loki and said "language" and walked awaiy agaun. meanwhile naked thanos the thot had crawled off through the vents adn escaped running done the stret he was gona go back to hes house geg the infinititty gauntlet and go to spaece.. atlest that was the plane........

Thotty thanosWhere stories live. Discover now