Chapter Four

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I got home and gratefully, Skye wasn’t there. Thank God, I don’t think that I could survive her hassling me. I went to my room, and only then started to scream. I was freaking dating Dan Howell. Oh my God. Holy crap! What?

I was happy, dancing around my room singing at the top of my lungs. People liked Dan and my video, and Dan was encouraging me to get my own channel so I can make skits and do covers and stuff while not using my bands channel.

I got my camera, set it up and started to record. “Hello, people of the internet! My name is Taylor-Lee Smith, I am 20 and I live in London. A close friend of mine who is a popular youtuber said I should make a channel and so here I am!” I spread my arms around me. “So, yeah. This channel will mostly be full of skits and covers, as I am a singer in a band. So, stick around and you might like what you see.” I winked and grinned. “Alright, so I was in a video with one of my best friends Dan Howell, also known as danisnotonfire, so check it out?” I waved my hands above my head where I would put the link for the video. “So, bye! See you later!” And with that I turned off my camera.

I headed to my computer, booted it up and went onto YouTube. Dan’s video was there and I clicked on it, gasping when I read the comments.

They’d be so cute together!

Taylor is amazing, does she have her own channel? I would totally subscribe to her!

I liked Taylor before this! XD

Taylor is beautiful, I am already a big fan of hers <3 Just ignore the haters girl, your perfect. :)

And so on. But as I looked down, the comments started to go bad.

Ew, she is so ugly!

She should go die.

She doesn’t like One Direction!? You can go die in hell!

Dan can do so much better.

And then there were these.

Dan is so hot.

Dan marry me?

Me and Dan would make beautiful babies.

I would tap that.

I sighed and started to upload my video, feeling nervous. This was the first time I had put a video up without my band mates, Kyle, Grace and Will.

99% Come on! I groaned, and laid back into the couch, closing my eyes. I started to drift off to sleep when there was a knock at the door. I rubbed my eyes and got up, and walked to the door, unconsciously covering my cut wrist with my right hand. I opened the door and felt the colour drain from my face.

“Hey, Tay.” A man with short, brown hair and crystal blue eyes smiled sadly. Christian.

“Get away from me.” I gasped. Stepping back, starting to close the door, but he stopped me with him foot.

“Taylor, come on, let me explain...” He started, but I cut him off.

“I think I know what happened.” I replied sharply, “Can you leave?”

Christian shook his head, “No, you don’t. I was drunk-”

“Leave or I’m calling security.” I said firmly, sounding way more confident than I actually was. This couldn’t be happening.

Christian sighed and removed his foot from the door, I slammed it close and slid down onto the floor, my face in my hands.

Now, you’re probably all like, who’s Christian? What did he do? Well, let me tell you.

It was a Tuesday night about 2 years ago. Christian was my boyfriend, and we lived together in Manchester. That night, I had planned to go over to my parent’s place, in London, for dinner, but when I got there, Mum was really sick. It was still early, so I decided to leave to give her and Dad some space. I got home around 10pm, and when I parked my car at the house we were renting, I heard loud music. I unlocked the door and walked in to find all my possessions and stuff broken and dirty. There were people everywhere, all of them drinking alcohol. I walked to my room to find Christian and some girl he worked with, I think her name was Holly, having sex in my bed. MY bed. The one I bought a few weeks ago. And with that, I ordered everyone out of my house and had a screaming match with Christian, grabbed all my clothes and stuff and went over to Skye’s. We soon moved to London, Christian didn’t know where we went. I don’t know how the hell he found me, that was the scary part.

I cant handle looking at Christian. He was perfect. The boy everyone wanted. Popular, good looks, the personality, he had everything. But he cheated on me. I bit my lip and started to get up. I walked over to the breakfast bar and just looked at the knives. I didn’t want to do it, I mean, I could handle Christian coming back... Couldn’t I?

My phone started ringing and I answered it without looking who it was. “Hello?”

There was a laugh on the other line, “Hi, Taylor.” It was Christian.

I froze. “How d-did you get my number?” I asked.

I could almost see Christian smirking, “I know people.” This was bad. This was very, very bad. “I am going to make your life hell, you know that?”


“Because I can.” Then he hung up, leaving me standing there, mouth half open.

I bit my lip, holding back another batch of tears. I unlocked my phone and scrolled down my contact list until I found Dan’s name. It started ringing. He picked up on the 3rd ring, “Hey, Tay!” He laughed.

“Dan...” I squeaked. I didn’t know what to do.

“Taylor, what’s wrong!?” He cried, his voice anxious.

“Oh, God Dan... I just... Come over, please?”

“Yeah, sure. I’ll be there soon.” And with that he hung up.

What did you guys think? :) Hey, people, if any of you have a tumblr, follow me! I follow back. Shameless self promoting. xD Anyway, thanks for reading! Byeee- Leena x

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