Chapter Five

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As soon as I finished telling Dan what had happened, he hugged me. Tightly, I giggled, “Dan, I can’t breath...” I wheezed.

“Oh, sorry.” Dan chuckled and let go of me and leaned against me, holding my hand. I smiled.

We sat in silence for a moment. It wasn’t an awkward silence, but a nice one. But, it seemed that all good things had to end, because at the moment, Skye barged into the apartment, singing at the top of her lungs,

“ALL I KNOW IS, YOU ARE MY ONLY ONE! YOU ARE MY ONLY ONE! YOU ARE MY ONLY ONE! SO-” She caught sight of me and Dan and stopped. “Oh... Er...” She blushed and turned to put down her bag on the table. “Hi...”

I grinned at her, “This is Skye.” I told Dan.

“Hey Skye!” Dan called. Skye just stared at him, Dan glanced at me, his eye brows raised.

“She’s a major fan.” I whispered to him.

Skye all of a sudden started to scream, I looked at her in alarm, “Oh my God! Oh my God!” I rolled my eyes. She was fan-girling. Skye turned to me, she saw my red eyes and tear stained cheeks, “Tay... What’s wrong?”

I bit my lip, “Christian came over.”

“Christian? Who- No way. Christian Reede, Christian? The one that cheated on you?” I just nodded and she gasped, “But how did he find us!?”

I shrugged, “I don’t know. He has my number too. He-He said he was going to make my life hell...”

Dan turned to me, I hadn’t told him that part, “What?” He growled.

I shrunk back, Dan was scary when he was angry. “I-I-” I stammered.

Skye came over and gave me a hug, “He’s not going to find you again.”

Christian used to abuse me. Another thing I didn’t tell Dan. He used to punch me when I didn’t do what he wanted, and he would slap me whenever he wanted. That’s why I cut myself. It’s not like Christian noticed though. He was too busy drinking.

“He knows where we live! Skye, he’s going to-to...” I cried, I couldn’t finish the sentence. I didn’t even want to think of what he’s going to do.

“You could stay with us...” Dan suggested. Both Skye and I looked at him, eyes wide.

“Really?” I asked.

Dan nodded, “Yeah! I’ll call Phil and ask if you guys could stay.” Dan got up and left the room, his phone to his ear.

Skye turned to me, “I can’t believe you are dating him.” She whispered to me.

“I know!” I whispered back.

She sighed and sat on the couch next to me, “You think Phil would go for me?” She asked, puffing up her dyed pink hair.

“Maybe.” I winked at her. The good thing with Skye was that she could get my mind off things.

We looked like sisters, Skye and I do. The only difference was that I had dyed velvet red hair and that I was a bit smaller.

Dan came back into the room grinning, “He said it’s fine.” He came over and pulled me up by the hand, “He’s getting pizza.”

“YES!” Skye cried. She loved pizza. I laughed and we all walked to Dan’s car.

My voice was watering as soon as I got inside Dan’s apartment. The smell of pizza wafted through the air.

Phil walked out of his bedroom and grinned, “Hey!”

“I’m Taylor.” I grinned, “This is Skye.” Skye waved like a crazy person.

“I know who you are, I saw Dan’s new video.” He smiled. “Anyway, pizza time, people!” He laughed, leading us to the lounge where three pizza boxes were sitting there.

“Look at them.” Dan whispered to me. I glanced up at Skye and Phil, who were sitting rather close together and laughing.

“Aw, they’re so cute!” I whispered back.

Skye glanced at me, and winked. I grinned back at her.

I took a piece of pizza and started to nibble on it, trying to hide my excitement. I was staying with Dan Howell. In his house. How unreal is that!? Seriously!

As though to ruin the moment, my phone started to ring. I picked it up, not bothering to see who it was.


“Hello again, Taylor.” It was him. Christian. I froze and had to force myself to breath. Dan looked at me, confusion and concern all over his face.

“Christian.” I choked out.

“I see you’ve gone out.” He said.

“Yeah, I went to go see my boyfriend-”

“Boyfriend?” He asked quickly. He wasn’t expecting that.

I smirked, “Yeah, my boyfriend.”

“Oh... Can I speak to him?” He asked.

What? Why? I frowned, “I guess...” I handed the phone to Dan, “He wants to talk to you?”

“Hello?” Dan said with his perfect British accent. He frowned, “No I would never do that. What! No! How dare you!?” He was soon screaming into the phone. I shot a surprised look at Phil and Skye, who were staring at Dan. “Bye!” He hung up and turned to me, fuming. “He-He, I hate him.”

“Dan, what was that all about, mate?” Phil asked.

“He was going on about how I probably hit Tay. And how I’m forcing her into this relationship and that she still loves him...”

“What!?” I cried. “I dont- I hate- What!?” I couldn’t believe this. Christian thought I was still in love with him? After all he did, he must have something wrong with his head. Maybe disappearing isn’t enough.

“I know...” Dan said softly, grabbing my hand. I smiled, maybe with Dan, everything was going to be alright after all.

Thank you for reading! Comments on how I could improve would be amazing ;) Well, OUTRO OF DARKNESS THEN REDNESS THEN WHITENESS!! LEENA OUT BOOOP!! ;))

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