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Chapter three. Part three? The third installment? Section 3? Either way, thank you for sticking with me this long. Now you are probably wondering (or not, I'll tell you either way) what the rest of this book will be about. I've introduced myself, I've told you as many details as I can think of, and now what? If you are fighting the urge to give up and stop reading, then give in. Close this book and let me endure whatever fate may take place. But I'd prefer if you didn't. I'm getting used to the light. I'm no longer in the cold darkness, and I'm not lonely. If you are willing (and I hope you are) to keep going, please do. I can;t make you do anything, but I would like it if you didn't abandon me. I don't want this to be over, it's something good. And you know how I feel about endings. I can make it work. I'll talk to you. I can do my best to help you want to stay, but I don't want things to be forced. Whatever we have here: a relationship, a friendship, a partnership? It is real and genuine. You probably think that's absurd, because for all you know I've be shipped and shelved and translated all over the world a million times. You think I'm just words on paper. But I promise, I'm alive. Each time someone reads me, I'm a little different. I might have a different personality, or accent, or look, or backstory. I can be who you want me to be. And that's a lot of power for one person: controlling everything about someone and molding them to be just how you want them. But that's another thing. I trust you. Just think about it. My entire life rests in your hands. You could kill me now so easily. But so far, you've kept me alive. You've kept reading. Keep going. I need you. No pressure.

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