You Know You Love LOTR When.... - KnightoftheRealm

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You Know You Love LOTR When.... by KnightoftheRealm!!!

So, do you ACTUALLY love Lord of the Rings? I bet you won't be able to answer these questions! Test your knowledge! Interesting facts, history of Arda and ... wait, do you know what Arda is? Find out in this book!

We're off to see the blurb, the magical blurb of LotR...

"So you think you love Lord of the Rings, right? You're obsessed with the movies, read the books religiously, and are totally in love with Legolas. Well, think again. I bet you don't know Morgoth's real name, or what the Lay of Lúthien is, or what a Peredhil is. Test your knowledge of LOTR and determine how big of a fan YOU are."

Yeah, I know right? Of COURSE you know your LotR. Wait, do you??? I was surprised when I read this book!

Test your knowledge here:

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