Chapter 15

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"Marcel?" I tried to let him know through the tone in my voice that we had to have a serious conversation. After talking to Davina, I knew exactly why this was happening. That also meant I knew exactly how Marcel would react to the news. 

His eyes met mine from across the room before he dismissed the other vampires, probably giving them some pointless task so they would leave us alone for a little while. Through the hundreds of years that I have known Marcel, I could always tell when he had a billion things to say, but no idea how to say them. This would be the first real conversation we've had in weeks, and he didn't know if what I was going to say was about Davina, the Mikaelsons, Hayley, or even us. 

"Adelaide, I want to apologize." Well, I definitely didn't see that coming. "It has always been a tug-of-war between you and Rebekah, and that isn't fair for either one of you. Almost losing Davina made me realize that you guys aren't unbreakable, sometimes I forget that."

"It's fine, that has always been a lesson that you and Nik have needed to learn. Just because you love powerful women doesn't mean that they're unbreakable. And you have a nasty habit of going back to something you can never quite get." I smirked before sitting down. "Now, about Davina."

Marcel sat across from me, attempting to brush off my comment. I was one of the few people that knew just what to say to get under his skin, mostly because I was usually right about what I said. He always had me, just like Nik. I would love both of them with my entire heart if they let me. But Marcel always crawled back to Rebekah, even after rejection after rejection and abandonment after abandonment. It was an endless cycle, and I was close to starting it again. What if this time I chose differently?

"What's wrong with her? Did you figure it out?"

"Look, I know you don't want to hear this, but the harvest -"

"Absolutely not Adelaide." His voice was stern and final while his eyes dared me to say more. Luckily, I was feeling risky today.

"It's a real thing. No one person is supposed to hold that much magic, especially such a young girl. Marcel, the magic is destroying her body, and if she dies, the connection to the ancestral magic in New Orleans dies. The witches won't be able to connect to the ancestors at all."

Marcel shifted in his seat. "Maybe that's a good thing."

"Since when has Davina dying been a good thing? Didn't you go through all of this to try and save her life?" That made absolutely no sense at all, and I knew we would eventually see the situation the same way. Marcel just needed a little convincing.

"Wouldn't it be better to have her die naturally and punish the witches for what they have done then let the witches sacrifice her in some make believe ritual that doesn't even work?"

No, Marcel, it would not. "I can assure you that the ritual does work. I have seen it first hand many times." Marcel looked at me confused, almost as if he forgot that I have been alive for quite literally over 1000 years. "There were times when I wasn't with the Mikaelsons, and I travelled all over the world. The ritual is very popular amongst French-based covens. I wouldn't be telling you this if it wasn't true."

"How do I know that you aren't telling me this for your own personal gain? No connection to the ancestors could mean a less powerful voror." Marcel crossed his arms and leaned back, almost as if he thought he won the argument. 

"I have lived for literally 5 times longer than you have. If I was weakened every time a coven lost connection to the ancestors, then I would have been powerless a long time ago. I am the original voror, meaning that I can't lose power that easily. What's next on your list of excuses?"

"Adelaide - " He was interrupted by another violent earthquake. It shook the entire house, triggering screams throughout the streets. 

Both of us stood up as vampires rushed to the center of the compound, including the siblings that I was doing my best to avoid at the moment. Cement pillars began to crack due to the shaking, and it was only a matter of time before the older building in the French Quarter began to crumble to dust. Marcel had to see the potential damage that Davina could cause at this point if she wasn't sacrificed. It baffled me how a self-proclaimed king was willing to sacrifice so many lives to save the life of one person.

When the rumbling finally stopped, any mumbling was silenced by a heart-wrenching cry from Davina's room. You could practically hear her vomiting up more dirt and sobbing in pure fear and pain. It almost made me cringe at how horrible she truly sounded, almost as if the cries served as a reminder that she was just a girl caught in an adult's crazy world. 

"Marcel, you have to let them finish the ritual. If this keeps happening, who knows what other disasters she could cause?" I refused to beg him to do anything, instead I tried to appeal to his logic and reasoning. 

It was bold of me to assume that he had any left when it came to Davina.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not letting them kill her." Before I could even comprehend what he meant by that, he disappeared and Davina's cries left with him.

"Great," Nik's voice cut through the air like a knife. "He took the girl. Is it terribly inappropriate to perform as a sacrificial ritual on him as well?"

"Yes, it is." I looked at Sophie, the only other person that had any idea of the true gravity of this situation. "How long do we have? What's the plan?"

"Who said anything about you being a part of the plan?"

I looked over at Nik, really lacking the energy to deal with him at the moment. "I did."

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