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There she was in a plaid skirt and a white shirt. We looked at her she looked at us seeking approval. I motioned for her to leave. She stayed, "get away loser" Mia said. She still wouldn't budge. I pushed her off the stepped finally and yelled "get off wannabee loser". Then Me, Mia, and Jessica looked down and laughed, no one messes with the queen bee. Jessica then said "you seriously have to live with that loser." "Yup" I sighed.
By the way I'm Emma White queen of my school and girlfriend of school quarter back Joseph McBrayer. I have my own weapons popularity, death stare, people skills. That's it!
Later my mom told me I had to knock on Charlotte's door. I cringed at the idea. I walked up and faked a smile to Charlotte's dad but then the door shut. And when I tried to open it back up Charlotte's dad with pink eyes now said "DIE."What just happened her dad didn't slam it so who did plus what happened to his eyes. I believe it was Charlotte she has powers. I am so stupid I could've been friends with her but no I had to laugh and now she is out for me. I went to my room and used my three way text with Mia and Jessica and told them that Charlotte has powers. But then rain came out of nowhere and my tree fell down. I knew this was the work of Charlotte. I sent out a text to everyone that Charlotte secretly picks her nose. She is going down because I'm scared of that weirdo maybe she might move to another school if no one likes her. Then the powers went out ten minutes after I sent the message. School is now cancelled thanks to Charlotte.

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