Chapter 16

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I tried to control my anger as I headed towards the house, but I could barely focus on driving. It was hard enough not doing something when she first told me but now it's beyond that. I should've done something sooner. I got to the house pretty quickly and knocked on the door. Nae opened it and seemed surprised to see me.

"I thought Nicki went to your house," she said as her eyebrows scrunched up.

"She showed up at my house with a messed-up face. Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to return the favor to that bastard," I spoke calmly, and she moved aside.

"He's in the third door on the right," she directed as I climbed the stairs. Olivia walked out of a room and her eyes went wide at the sight of me. I just shook my head and she seemed to get the message when she saw where I was headed. She walked back into her room and I opened Deyo's door.

"Well if it isn't my old teammate," Deyo grinned from the bed when he saw me.

"Get the fuck up," I muttered.

"Really? You're trying to challenge me today?" He chuckled and stood up.

"You should be ashamed of yourself. Putting your hands on a woman is pathetic," I told him.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he smirked.

"Alright," I nodded to myself before throwing a punch to his face. I hit him again as he fell to the ground. "You remember now!?" I yelled as he glared.

"That's all you got?" That was all it took for me to lose control and beat the shit out of him. The image of Nicki's face was still in my mind and it caused me to hit him harder.

"Aubrey stop before you kill him!" I heard Mere's voice behind me. It snapped me out of my thoughts and I realized that he was falling in and out of consciousness. I stood and saw how fucked up my hands were. I couldn't even feel any pain because of the anger inside of me. I turned to Mere and she sent me a small frown. "Come here," she mumbled as I walked towards her. She grabbed my hands and examined it. Nae walked in and her eyes widened at the sight of Deyo. "Can you figure out what to do with him while I clean up his hands?" Mere asked her.

"Sure," Nae nodded as Mere led me out of the room. She dragged me to a bathroom and made me sit on the edge of a tub.

"You really fucked up your hands," she said as she ran the water.

"I can barely feel the pain," I shrugged as she moved my hands under the water. I winced slightly when the pain finally kicked in.

"Barely feel the pain my ass," she shook her head with a small grin. "Keep it under there for a minute," she directed as Blake walked into the bathroom. She handed something to Mere and I realized that it was a first aid kit. "Can you grab some ice from downstairs?" Mere asked her and she quickly nodded. It seemed like she wanted to be as far away from me as possible. Once she left, Mere turned off the water.

"I'm sorry," I told her after a moment of silence.

"For?" She raised a brow and I sighed.

"I guess it's a long list huh? I'm sorry for always being too overprotective. I just don't like seeing you hurt. Obviously I can't really control your life and I'm not trying to. If you want to be with her then I'll respect that," I admitted, and a small smile broke out on her face.

"Thank you," she said before cleaning up my cuts. "This might sting a bit." She sprayed something and that shit burned.

"A bit!?" I groaned when she did it to my other hand.

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