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Third POV

Everyone was just silently waiting for their hyungs to come back, while hyuck is still putting some ointments and band aids to mark's arms.

Donghyuck is still frustrated for what Koeun did to mark, first she forced him to kiss her and then she hurt him physically and then she slapped hyuck, he just wants to punch Koeun right through her face right now, but he can't, mark needs him and the hyungs are taking care of it.

Mark suddenly touched hyuck's cheeks, and a tear fell. "I'm sorry, you got hurt because of me, I was supposed to be the one protecting you, not let you get hurt" Mark whispered while leaning his head to hyuck's forehead, still caressing his cheeks.

"Hey, i'm okay, don't worry. Stop crying, you're being a baby right now. Hahaha" hyuck said trying to lift Mark's mood.

"I am, I am your baby." Mark said and hyuck snorted.

"Well geez, even after getting hurt you're still a flirt, hahaha" hyuck said laughing, but deep inside he feels like he looks like a tomato right now.

"Ahh, just let me, i'm hurt, you're the only one who makes me feel better" mark whined.

"Okay, i'm out, i can't take it anymore. Excuse you two but we're here too. Now I wanna puke, hahaha" Jisung spoke up.

"Shut it Jisung, you're just jealous, why don't you accept chenle already so that you have someone to be flirting with as well. Hahaha" Jaemin said teasing their maknae.

"What? No, eww, i'm straight and chenle's just my friend hyung, what are you talking about. Hahaha" Jisung responded nervously.

Everyone fell silent with what Jisung said, everybody knows Chenle has feelings for Jisung, even jisung knows it himself but he just keeps on avoiding the topic, and now he just made it worse.

"Hahaha, right, we're just friends hyung. That will never change" chenle said while showing a fake smile.

"I'll just go to the washroom" he continued, stood up and walked out of the room.

"Jisung-ah, why?" Renjun asked and followed chenle.

"Jisung, that wasn't necessary, it wasn't too nice" Haechan said as well.

"It's my fault, I shouldn't have said anything" Jaemin said sadly.

"Nana, it's no one's fault, okay? Let's just hope that chenle's gonna be okay" haechan responded.

Jisung got worried, chenle's his bestfriend, he knows he likes him more than a friend but Haechan's right, it wasn't necessary for him to say that, so he stood up and followed chenle and renjun as well.


It has been almost 30 minutes, they're still waiting for their hyungs, they were worried but not after Haechan received a text from their Doyoung hyung.

"Haechan-ah, you and mark, as well as hendery needs to go up here, the managers also wants to talk to you three"

Haechan told Mark and Hendery and they went to the manager's office right away, nervous as to what they have to say.

As they arrived they have seen there hyungs as well as Koeun and the other girl trainees, they were shocked as they were not expecting them to be there.

The managers were shocked as well the moment they saw mark and haechan's bruises and bandages, they all looked at Koeun angrily while koeun is also looking at the three who just arrived, eyeing them.

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