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Wei Luo peeled another chestnut. She had purchased these freshly cooked chestnuts on the way to the palace and they were still giving off heat. They smelled good and tasted sweet. She and Zhao Liuli both enjoyed eating these chestnuts. “Liuli, do you know about that matter with Noble Consort Ning?”

(T/N: Below are pictures of roasted chestnuts. The sweetness comes from being cooked in sugar water.)

Zhao Liuli nodded

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Zhao Liuli nodded. “Imperial father has imprisoned her in the Golden Hall. No one is allowed to visit her.”

Wei Luo hesitated for a moment before she added, “Then, do you know…”

Zhao Liuli’s expression didn’t change much. She lightly said, “En. I know that Noble Consort Ning was the one that poisoned me. Actually, I hate and resent her, but I know that imperial father will definitely punish her for me. Moreover, my health has already recovered, so I don’t want think about something that happened so long ago. Anyways, if I wasn’t poisoned, I probably would have never met older brother Yang Zhen.”

Wei Luo curved her lips into a smile, “You’re very good at letting things go and being positive about the past.”

If she was in Liuli’s position and someone had harmed her, she would payback the person a thousand times over. She would torture the person until death became more appealing than living.


Noon quickly arrived. Zhao Liuli and Wei Luo walked to Zhao Yang Hall.

Thirty-six dishes covered the table. Empress Chen and Emperor Chong Zhen had already sat down. On the side, the palace servant girls had their heads lowered with nervous expressions. Zhao Liuli and Wei Luo stepped forward to pay their respects to the emperor and empress.

Seeing Wei Luo, Empress Chen’s expression slightly improved. She said with a faint smile, “Ah Luo, did you come into the palace to see Liuli? Come, sit down and have a meal with this empress.”

Wei Luo nodded her head in agreement. After sitting down, she glanced at Emperor Chong Zhen, who was sitting in the head seat. The emperor didn’t look any differently than usual.

After lunch started, Wei Luo discovered that her earlier impression was wrong.

Emperor Chong Zhen picked up a slice of fish marinated in vinegar and soy sauce and placed it on a small, flower-pattern plate that was in front of Empress Chen. He said, “Wan Wan, this emperor remembers that you use to like to eat fish the most. This fish was delivered from Sichuan early this morning. It’s fresh and tender. Try it.”

Empress Chen glanced at the fish on the plate and suddenly called a palace servant girl over. “Replace this plate with a new one.”

Emperor Chong Zhen’s expression slightly stiffened.

The palace servant girl was put in such a difficult position that she almost wanted to cry. She didn’t dare to offend either of them. Seeing that emperor didn’t say anything, she finally brought over another clean plate.

Chongfei Manual pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now