1 • assholes

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Jimin slammed his bedroom door closed behind him, letting his bag flop onto the floor at his side.

Jeongguk and Yoongi were already sat on his bed, the laptop opened from where they were watching a movie. Yoongi paused the movie, the two looking up, noticing Jimin's scrunched up features.

"What's wrong?" Jeongguk asked, shuffling from beneath the laptop to the edge of the bed. Jimin staggered over, his hand gripping at his hair in frustration.

"They know." He said, flopping onto the bed. Jeongguk leaned over Jimin, concerned.

"Who know?" Jeongguk asked. "Know what?" Yoongi folded the laptop. Jimin sighed as his hands rubbed at his eyes.

"That shitty group from school know that I'm gay."

"Which group?" Jeongguk asked. "Oh... You don't mean..." Jeongguk paused. "...That group, do you?" Jeongguk dreaded. Jimin nodded, a croaky whine passing his lips.

"They spread it across the school like wildfire. Everyone knows now." Jimin whined, sitting up with watering eyes. Yoongi edged forward, pinching Jimin's cheek.

"Well, it can't be that bad... right? I mean, it's not the 1950's..." Yoongi began before getting cut off.

"I've got 23 texts and ten hate statuses on my Facebook feed." Jimin sighed.

Yoongi tensed, jaw clenching.

"What." He hissed out, hands clenched into tight balls. Jeongguk was lost for words. "Those bastards..." without a momenr's thought he lept back onto Jimin's pillow, opening the laptop and typing furiously. "I'm on it. Continue talking." Yoongi instructed.

"Well, Yoongi-hyung does have a point though," Jeongguk reassured Jimin, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Jimin looked up at him from under his fringe, dangling over the edge of the bed.

"Who's going to make fun of a kid for being gay in this day and age? Doing it over Facebook is one thing, doing it face-to-face is different." Jeongguk added.

Jimin blinked. That is true...

"Thanks." Jimin said. "I'm so glad I have you two as my friends, I don't know where I'd be without you-"

"...and that's another bitch reported." Yoongi beamed almost sadistically under his breath, pressing the enter button on the keyboard overdramatically.

Jeongguk glared at Yoongi.

"Hyung, can you not?"

"Oh, sorry. Don't mind me." Yoongi murmured.

Jeongguk rolled his eyes at Yoongi's attempts at apologising. Jimin chuckled. Jeongguk reached forward into Jimin's pocket, grabbing his phone. Before Jimin could react, Jeongguk had unlocked it and deleted all the mean messages.

Kill yourself
Fucking homo

Jeongguk grimaced:

Were people really this harsh?

He handed back the phone, trying his hardest to smile.

"There you go, no more nasty people messaging you." Jeongguk chirped. "Don't worry about it Jimin, it'll all be fine."

"Thanks guys..." Jimin said, his head dropping, unable to contain his smile.

It'll all be fine. Of course it will.

Of course he was wrong.

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