Going out- having fun?

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It's Saturday night, all i wanna do is cuddle in my bed watching some romantic movie while dreaming of having one of those magical, sickening love.
That kind of love where you can't breathe without that special person but you also can't breathe with them because the tension is so much. That's what I want.
My friends try to get me to go out for once, to go to this bar where a small but really good band is playing. I text Jenny and tell her that I'm up for it, I need to get my head out of these movies I've been watching.
     I put on my black jeans and this red top, its so small it just covers my boobs. I straightened my hair put on some makeup and jump outside, Jenny is here to pick me up.

  " Girl you look hot! you are definitely going home with someone tonight!"

"Jenny stop we both know that's not gonna happen." I can feel her looking at me and with a smirk! I am definitely going home alone so I can eat my dessert and watch Netflix alone.

"Oh whatever you say, but I still think tonight is the night. You really have to get over that douche, he really messed you up didn't he?"

I really didn't wanna think of my ex tonight, he did mess me up.

"no yes I agree i'm totally getting over him tonight, getting on someone else if you know what I mean." That was so wrong I can't believe I actually said that, it's so unlike me.

"YES GIRL YOU GO GIRL" jenny screams while banging her hands on the steering wheel. I can't help it but laugh, she is such a dork.

The ride to the bar is short and before we know we it we are there. As I get out of the car I can her someone scream my name.

"EMILY! EMILY! MIA!" I turn around and it's Carly my friend who we were supposed to meet at the bar, she is really drunk already, I can tell by the way she is walking and waving like a maniac.

I walk over to her and she practically falls on me so I help her get inside and have a seat down, while we wait for Jenny who went to park the car.

When Jenny gets inside she sits with Carly and I go to the bar to get myself a drink, I both need one and deserve one. I look over the bar while waiting for my margarita and all I see is drunk people trynna get laid. I don't get those people, don't they want to know the person their sleeping with? I know I do.. But I also have only had sex with two different guys, and i were in a long relationship with them both..

I get distracted from my thoughts when I see him. The guitarist. He is getting on the stage, getting the guitar ready.

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