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Why can't I take my eyes of him? this is so unlike me, I swear. The way his body moves on the stage got me shaking. I get interrupted from my thoughts when the bartender yells at me to tell me my drink is ready. I take a large sip of the margarita because damn it's about to be a long night.

I sit with the girls, still unable to take my eyes of the guitarist. He is dressed in white t-shirt, leather jacket and blue jeans. Looking like I snack I can tell you that.

"Mia!" woah I zone out a lot lately oops

"yes?" I say kinda "still in my head"

"We are here to have fun so finish that margarita, then drink something stronger and get yourself out of your head for one night please? I know there is a lot going on in there but tonight you need to take a break from yourself."

She is not wrong. Dealing with the breakup on the top of the fact that my dad might be dying is not helping. I need to get out of my head so I finish the margarita in one sip and smile towards Jenny.

"That's my girl! I'll go get us something stronger and water for Carly, she doesn't need any more alcohol tonight."

I look at Carly who is struggling to not fall of the chair.

I check on my phone incase someone had texted me which nobody did so I turn it off, I don't want any distraction tonight. This is my night.

Jenny comes back 5 minutes later with one vodka shot and one whisky shot. We do them both and Jenny let's out a scream which gets Carly to flinch and everyone else looking at us... including the guitarist.

Our eyes meet

He has pretty eyes

I quickly look away but I can feel him still staring.

I try to shake his stare of and I start a conversation with Jenny, but it doesn't last long because the lead singer introduces his band. Everyone claps and they start playing. I can't help it but my eyes wander to the guitarist. His passion for playing clearly shows. His eyes are closed and his body moves as that helps with playing.

Jenny pulls me from the table and to the dance floor and I immediately freeze, I can't get closer to him.

"hey hey what about Carly? we can't leave her." I try to get myself out of this.

"She will be fine! we can watch her from the dance floor, don't let her ruin our fun"

Before I can think of a better reason to stay at our table, my safety zone she pulls me so hard I almost fall on her. I guess i'm going dancing then.

As we get closer to the stage I get more and more nervous. Why? I don't even know the guy, I just find him super super super attractive.

At first I feel like I forgot how to dance but then I feel the alcohol kick in so i move like I don't give a sh*t about anyone. And there for I take a look at the mysterious guitarist who happen to look at me the same time, I quickly flip my blonde hair and I turn to Jenny, looking like I don't care that we made eye contact. I feel amazing, I feel powerful.

I have no idea how long we are dancing but before we know the music stops and they step of the stage.

We walk over to Carly who is asleep on the table... She really is drunk. I go get her some water and try to get some food but this bar doesn't sell food. but at least she get's some water.

Carly lives close to the bar so I convince Jenny that i'm taking her home, because she clearly is to drunk to sit still.

"I promise I will just get her to bed and make sure she is save then I'll come back and we can have fun without having to worry about something happening to Carly." I say as I get Cary to stand up and lean on me.

When i'm almost put the door I see him, the guitarist is walking towards me, fast.

"hey!" he kinda shouts

shit what is he going to say? "So I saw you staring at me while playing, you creep"

I turn around, slowly to make sure Carly can handle it.

"you can't leave now, the band hasn't finished and quite frankly the best part is left."

"oh no i'm not leaving, i'm just gonna take my friend home and then i'll be back" Why doesn't he care that I'M leaving????

"yeah right, you better not be lying, cause I wanted to buy you something to drink after the show" He says with this beautiful, hot smirk.

"Don't worry, i'll be back" I say and wink, as I walk out the door.


I call a cap and we go to Carly's house. I try my hardest to be quick getting her to bed, i put some water, painkillers, which she will need when she wakes up, and one banana on her nightstand. It takes her less then a minute to fall asleep, so I hurry back out and I walk back to the bar. I need some time to think before I see that guy again.

Why is he interested in me? What will i say? How do I get him to like me without being... me?

Before I know it i'm back at the bar and when I get inside I see that Jenny has found her prince, well for the night at least. She is nothing but smiles and is hard on flirting with him.

The band had started the second half so I try to find an empty seat which is not easy, there are so many people here.

I can't find an empty seat so I head to the bar and just stand there and ask for some water. I take a look over the place, checking on Jenny and I can't help it but look at the stage. He really is freaking handsome.

I walk over to Jenny to see if the guy is okay, if she will be spending the night with him i need to know he is not a serial killer.

"Hey Jennyyyyy" I say as i approach them.

"heyy girlyyyy how are you?"

"Soooo tell me who is this handsome guy?" I ask Jenny while giving the guy a look, which I hope he understand means that i'll kill him if he kills her.

"This is Brian, he is firefighter!" Jenny says, almost drooling.

Before I can say something else, I feel someone standing behind me. I take a look and there he is. Standing so close to me.

"I guess you came back huh?" he says, again with that beautiful, hot smirk.

"Yeah I guess so"

" Mia! who is this? he is hoooot" Jenny practically yells.

shit shut up Jenny I don't even know his name fuck

"uhm this is...?" I can't finish the sentence but I also don't have because he reaches his hand out to Jenny.

"Hi i'm Nico"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2019 ⏰

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