-his copying mechanism

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everytime hes falling apart, his only copying mechanism is joking around like he's okay. he puts others before himself and is determined to make people happy, he wants to hear them laugh, he wants to see them smile.

he hates talking about personal stuff and hard issues with his friends because he said that—
all his friends categorise him in 3 ways,
3. jokingly rude
and he doesn't want to break that point of view for them. he said, "i want to always be the one making people laugh, i want to always be the joy of others" there's so much more to him yknow?

he doesn't want to expose his real side and expose them to a broken world this reality is. he doesn't talk about this as much, he doesn't show his real emotions because he doesn't want to hurt. if he doesn't really show them who he really is, then do they really know him?
i asked him that and all he said "that's the downside but I'd do anything to make anyone happy"

and that hit me so hard
because i know what he's going through and he hides it so well nobody else suspects anything.

he's hurt within himself and yet
nobody notices it?

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