The "Deserved Better" Club™

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Hi. I'm really angry about something's so I have been adding on to this list for the past year and decided to share it with y'all.

The "Deserved Better" Club™

-Thorin Oakenshield • The Hobbit • Y'all killed him off? And the entire line of Durin? Really? C'mon, Tolkien.

-Larry Johnson • Sally Face • Killed him too, huh? Wow, okay. Him and Sal could have had a beautiful friendship (and relationship yes yes I ship very hard) and then *bam* he's a ghost?

-Arthur Morgan • Red Dead Redemption II • Yet another killed off character. Can y'all stop killing such rich and intriguing characters?! Thanks.

-Lotor • Voltron • Damn, y'all have him such a rough life. Not dead, though ;) • (Update: he died in season 8...)

-Atreus • God of War • Why is Kratos such a bad father??? Jfc! And then Atreus is Loki? How does that work?!

-Shiro • Voltron • He's been through so much shit and it makes me aNGRY WHAT HAPPENED TO WHEN HE WAS A VALUABLE AND RESPECTABLE CHARACTER?!

-Sal • Sally Face • I've been torn recently between whether Sal (even if he's innocent) is a psycho or not. And y'all just tossed him in jail and put him on death row, huh? Damn.

-Urbosa • The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild • Urbosa was such a strong butch lesbian and such a cool character and she's dead now so thanks I'm gonna go cry.

-Rick Grimes • The Walking Dead • The main character. Gone. And his son, too. Who's next?! MICHONNE?! (Oh god wait please no not Michonne I'm sorry forget I said anything please don't eat my ass, AMC)

-Lance • Voltron • The only Latino main character and he becomes a farmer. Really? You had to pull *that* card, Dreamworks? What happened to our cocky sharpshooter?!

-Connor • Detroit: Become Human • I know we got that whole father/son hug scene in the post-credit scene with Hank but c'mon what about buddy buddy father/son crime-solving father/son happy happy cop time? ;;-;;

-Charlie Bradbury • Supernatural • Badass, nerdy lesbian. Died in a bathtub drowning in her own blood. Yay.

-Remus Lupin • Harry Potter • Cool werewolf guy that we all loved just straight-up died.

-Guts • Berserk • He cut his damn arm off to save his lover when he was being held back by the demon. We stan Guts. :')

-Dean Winchester • Supernatural • He has died over 100 times (in counting) and has spent a total of 40 years getting tortured in hell. Just let him eat his damn pie, man.

-Sam Winchester • Supernatural • He just wanted to settle down and get an education and get married. But of course, just like his mom, his girlfriend was stabbed by a demon and burned to death on the ceiling and now he hunts with his brother. Fun.

-Spencer Reid • Criminal Minds • He was was kidnapped and tortured, had to deal with a drug addiction, and anyone he has ever loved has been murdered. Yay.

-Eponine • Les Miserables • Marius confessing to Cosette when Eponine was RIGHT THERE. That shit hurt. -_-

Also hey it's been a few months

I'm not gonna update regularly

I've sorta abandoned this account

Okay bye

Oh one more important thing

Stan Larry Johnson and Sal Fisher

'Kay bye

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