※ Chapter Two

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God dammit, these wolves are intimidating.

Their eyes followed my every tiny move. Every time I turned my head the slightest bit, or angled my body a different way to give myself a better view of how many exactly how many wolves were surrounding me, and how large they all were - they watched and moved their big, furry heads according to wherever I turned or whatever to.

Initially, I thought that I had been imagining their massive silhouettes in the dark of the night, but I really wasn't. They were massive. They probably stood at about 5'5", maybe even 5'6" when they stood up with their backs straightened - hell, maybe they were even taller than that.

They were all just bloody watching me. Every time I turned to look at one particular wolf, all of their large heads would follow my movement. And if the one that I was looking at in particular wasn't happy about me looking at it - him, whatever - it/he would growl, and the others would follow suit, a low rumbling that echoed through the silence of the forest. I knew they were werewolves, though, because even though their eyes were dark and still animalistic, they possessed a far too human-like quality to belong to a natural, wild wolf. And also, they were far too large to be a pack of normal wolves.

My eyes lingered on the one with a light brown fur coat, and he stared back at me. At least, I think it's a 'he'. I assume that the female wolves would be smaller than the male ones, and this one was rather large.

His head cocked to the side, just a little, and I blinked at him in response. Then his upper lips pulled up into a snarl as he suddenly made the motion to lunge at me, presumably to bite my fucking head off. Before he could, though, a vicious growl stopped him from pushing himself off of his feet. His head snapped towards the source of the sound, though his head ducked down a little, like he was bowing in respect to the one that just growled at him.

The one that growled held its head high, a sense of authority and power surrounding him. But this wasn't their leader - their Alpha, as I'm told they're called. He was the same size as the others, and if he was the Alpha, then he would've probably shifted back into his human form to question me the moment they decided to gang up on me.

Or he would've just given the rest of them the order to kill me, have me for supper, or something.

But I'm trying to be a little positive here - so, let's stick with the Alpha questioning me when he does eventually arrive.

"Stand down!" He growled viciously, making the other whimper inwardly. "None of you are to make a move until Alpha gets here."

"She isn't human! Can't you smell it?"

"It isn't against pack laws - she is a supernatural creature."

"She could be a threat, Beta!"

The one that growled in the beginning growls again, instantly silencing the other wolves' protests as they bowed their heads down slightly, eyes still trained on my figure. One of them said - or, well, thought - 'Beta'. If my (wolf) vocabulary was right then he would be the second-in-command.

At least he hadn't killed me.

"Yet," added the annoying voice in the back of my head.

I really hate that voice. It's like a conscience but it's just really sarcastic and sassy - not at all in the humorous way - and just a downright bitch, really.

As I locked eyes with that of the Beta's, I tried to shut my mind off once more. The thing about our mind-reading abilities was that although there was an off switch, you needed to be able to concentrate on focus solely on shutting your mind off to do so, which was rather hard to do in the moment, seeing as how I had, like, seven wolves surrounding me in the current moment. I rarely ever used my mind-reading abilities and this was just one of those times where I opened my mind to listen because I didn't want to get attacked whilst in the forest, alone. Ironic how it happened anyway.

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