Chapter 11

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(Zoe's P.O.V)

I was taking a walk with these 2 girls that my Mom has over all the time. We walked to this place that she always disappears to almost everyday.

One of them tied me to this thing but it came undone so I ran. I never felt so free before! I mean I love ahead and all but sometimes I just want to run. I ran for a while when I heard my name being called. I looked back but couldn't see them. I didn't know where I was. I ran the way I came but couldn't find them. I searched and searched but couldn't find anyone. It went from dark to light a couple times. I found some food in these weird things. That this big loud machine takes. I walked and walked until I saw though's things my mom and other humans stay in. That's when I saw my humans. I ran to it barking. It opened and I ran in getting squished by though's two humans my mom has over a lot. I ran up the stairs to my moms room and got on her bed. She was laying there motionless. I nudged her and whimpered when finally she woke up.

*2weeks later* (Harry's P.O.V)

It has been two weeks since Abby went to the hospital. A little more then two weeks since Abby got sick. Two weeks since Abby go really sick. 2 weeks since I saw her beautiful big brown eyes. And I still have yet to see.

Harry. You should eat. Liam said walking into Abby's hospital room

No. I whispered

Harry you haven't left her side since this all happened. Liam whispered putting his hand on my shoulder

Liam sighed and sat in a chair with the rest of the lads.

The truth is I'm not doing good. I haven't eaten or left her side. I cry every night begging her to wake up. Dia and Nia aren't doing to good either. They eat but they cry none stop. They hardly get dressed or shower.

(No ones P.O.V)

We were sitting in Abby's room when her doctor walked in. They finally got her blood test back from Dr. William yesterday and today they find out if she will make it.

We all sat up looking at Dr. Smith with hopeful eyes.

Dr. Smith looked at us with sorrow in his eyes as he shook his head.

I'm sorry. But There is only a 15% chance she will live. She's not going to make it. He said

Dia and Sam where sobbing and I felt like I just had my heart ripped out of my chest. I fell to the ground standing on my hands and knees.

There is still a chance she will wake up but even if she does..I'm sorry. He said sadly

(Dias P.O.V)

This can't be Happening. My Best friend isnt going to make it. She got sick and I didn't know until it was to late. I'm a horrible friend.

I walked out of her room and into the elevator. I pushed the button to take me to the first floor. When I got down there I made is a step out of the elevator before I collapsed onto my knees and sobbed harder

(Nias P.O.V)

The words that just left his mouth couldn't of hurt me more. My best friend dying. She was on her death bed. I didn't even know she was sick until 2 weeks ago when it got worse. If I would of just maid her let me in her house I could of seen that she was sick and gotten it taken care of before this all happened. I fell back into my chair putting my head in my hands crying. Niall wrapped his arms around me. Dia left the room and Dana went after her. I just wish I could wake up and all of this was just a BIG nightmare.

(Hope you liked it!)

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