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Alanna's parents gave her the world, from a great education to mountains of books and barbies. But all Alanna wanted for her sixth birthday was someone who was able to see the monsters of the hidden world, just like her.

His name was Liam. He just happened to have lost everything he had ever known; his family, his friends, and even his home. He needed a new family to live with and the Rivera family thought, why not with them?

They brought him home and gave him a new life, an opportunity to start over, but their generosity went to waste. Liam liked to spend his time pulling elaborate pranks, ruining plans, and hanging around with the wrong sort of people.

Alanna knew Liam more than he knew himself. She believed he was possible of great things and tried to show him how great things could be. While Alanna was only successful for some time, Liam would always go back to his ways of destruction and pain.

Then they grew up.

Liam stuck to his same attitude and Alanna gave up in trying to support Liam. The slowly separated becoming more like strangers than like friends.

As time went on, Liam started to feel drawn to Alanna. He wanted to talk with her, be near her, become her friend. Liam soon began to fight his own demons, for the second time in his life.

Alanna had to fight the same and even some of her own.

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