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Jung Hoseok gulped involuntarily, smoothening the non-existent creases of the beige shirt he had donned, a black coat completing the regal ensemble the Crown Prince of Lyceran had chosen for the meeting. At the very least, his father would appreciate his sense of style should his appeals to rally the royal forces fall on deaf ears.

Beside him, Danae Loren stood tall and proud, a turquoise gown enveloping her lithe frame and offsetting the lilac of her eyes. Sidling her head, the princess nodded to Hoseok, confidence wafting off her posture despite her apprehension. Well, at least that made one of them. The prince and the princess had departed for the Kingdom of Water once they had realized that every search party dispatched in search of Neva was a futile endeavour. Besides, Hoseok believed that those resources would be better utilized in assembling a powerful Sylphian army to defeat Ilia and Valtor.

If his father agreed.

It was widely known that Lyceran was the only country which possessed a fully-equipped and well-trained Sylphian force. And it was also widely known that King Sejong sought autonomy for his kingdom, sought to restore it to its former glory with a history which spoke of wild reservoirs and swirling typhoons; Lyceran, a country brimming with the overpowering force of magicked waters, before it had allied itself with the rest of Asteria and had agreed to share a map with the continent.

Hoseok was fully aware of what his father’s fight for sovereignty would entail.

Like he was also aware what this would mean for Geneva Verlantis.

He owed her a life-debt, even if that life wasn’t necessarily his own. Even if it belonged to the fierce princess standing beside him. Glancing at Danae sideways, a ghost of a smile appeared on Hoseok’s face. Indeed, he owed the queen of ice quite a bit.

Which was why he had to convince his father before he took any decisive measures to sever all relations with Asteria. For the fate of the world hung on the combined efforts of all the kingdoms. And they needed all the help they could get.

Please let Father understand.

A tap on his shoulder. Angling his head, he found Danae watching him carefully. “Are you ready?” Though the princess had schooled her features into neutrality, her forehead was creased with worry which was all too visible.

Hoseok nodded quickly, a renewed resolve pooling in his veins. “As ready as I’ll ever be.” Inhaling deeply, he motioned to the guards flanking the massive double doors of the throne room. And together, he and Danae strode into the chamber.

It was a behemoth space, tall pillars encircling the marbled interior and culminating into balconies overlooking the dais on days when the throne room hummed with life. Today, it was mostly empty, save for the guards. And the king of course.

Festooned with coiled lanterns, the engraved hooks embedded beside the swishing curtains seemed like gnarled roots waiting to strike, effectively serving as warnings to anyone who made a false move. Translucent lights sparkled within the glass lamps, illuminating the frescoes which adorned the otherwise unblemished walls of the throne room. Rows and rows of benches and chairs were lined on opposite sides, wooden railings ensconcing the seats meant for attending nobles and other royals.

And right in the middle of the shimmering space which rippled with afterimages of flowing water, perched on a rustic-looking throne emblazoned with the sygil of the Jung family: Hoseok’s father, Jung Sejong, King of Lyceran.

The soldiers guarding the dais were instantly on alert, their cynicism not subdued by the fact that it was their own prince who treaded towards where the king was seated. No, because Danae Loren walked beside him. Danae Loren, who in rejecting Hoseok’s proposal all those years ago had invoked the wrath and resentment of the royal family. Even if the prince had never held it against her. Would never hold it against her.

The Soulsaver (Starlight #3) - Kim Taehyung/BTSWhere stories live. Discover now