To The Rescue

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The route become more difficult to walk by after few hours walking. It’s become difficult for him to keep himself straight after almost 24 hours with no food and it’s impossible to search for a clean water even thought they were in forest.

Sehun keep watching him leaning to trees and even sometimes brushes off some vines, he become more curious.

“Hyung… umm. Not being rude or something but Prince Kangin told me you have serious issues of ocd in hygiene… but is it okay if you keep touching those?” said Sehun after looking Jongwoon resting on a moss tree.

Jongwoon look at the tree he been leaning on to and scoffed. He did feel disgusted a little. “You think I care now?” he said, more like annoyed but not to the younger, they were keep talking and agreed on talking without the royal calling. It wasn’t his intention to talk rudely to the younger because it’s seems like the younger feel guilty now.

“Sorry… I’m not mad. I’m just grumpy…”

“Ah it’s okay. We been walking for a while too, I understand if you feel that way. But shouldn’t we stop for now? I mean, you looking not good and pale.” said Sehun with hint of worried. He was true in Jongwoon being as white as sheets.

“We can’t. They sure on our tails. I pissed them off just now so I’m sure they won’t let me go just like that. I’m okay so we should walk until we found something or who knows a river perhaps.” said Jongwoon. At that moment his leg start to give out on him, bracing himself to fall flat on the ground but nothing happen.

“Told you so. We rest. I’ll get us to higher place.” Sehun pick him up with a bit of struggles as he himself quite tired already. After letting the older on his back, he walk to opposite direction.

Once he sure he found the suitable place, he let down the older carefully and place him between his leg. Jongwoon realize his position were quite inappropriate, he look up to the younger and the younger only look back question the older back. Sehun’s back were leaning on the tree seated while he pulled the older to lean on his chest in between his legs.

“Ah sorry but I realize you start to wheezing just now and the air getting cooler. Your skin is warm too so I just don’t want you to get a fever now. Please rest now. I’ll wake up if something approach us.” said Sehun, pulling the older closer to warm him more.

“I’m.. not.. that weak..” muttered Jongwoon but soon he dozed off after feeling the tiredness slowly force him to in a deep abyss. 


Henry were following right behind Eunhyuk and Donghae who arrive at the forest that morning but soon were separated after the duo ran off towards the forest. Hesitated at first because he know Ryeowook was in the opposite direction and so he went there with cussing. ‘I shouldn’t come without plan…’

He keep walking until he heard an exchange of gunshots and he knows where he will walk into. He quickly ran towards the scene hoping his best friend were unharmed, lucky for him, he arrived right at the time when Ryeowook were running towards him. He grab the older and pulled him behind the trees he was hiding right on time when a bullet brushed off Ryeowook.

“Henry!? what the hell you doing here!” shouts Ryeowok, fuming at the younger action.

“I’m worried about you when they told me you are the betrayer. I don’t trust them so I follow Donghae-hyung and Eunhyuk this morning. What happen?” ask Henry, Ryeowook saw Xiumin shouts at him to follow them, he pulled Henry to them quickly to avoid more shots.

“I didn’t know he had this many people on his side! So what do we do now?” asked Ryeowook to Xiumin. Henry were confused with the two exchange.

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