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Peter was eating a slice of toast when his Mother walked into the room.

“Felix! Catch!”

He chucked a piece of toast and his Mother’s soul animal jumped, catching it in his mouth.

“Peter! What have I told you about that?”

“He’s always hungry!"

“I don’t care. Stop feeding him.”

Peter pouted and instead, fed the last bit of his food to Camilla. His Father tutted and scruffed Peter’s hair up. There was a heavy silence in the room as everyone ate. Peter felt his own food coiling in his stomach and sat with his knees against his chest. Camilla changed back to her spider form, jumping onto his leg and crawling up. He smiled seeing her and reached up to stroke her back gently.

“Peter, your Aunt and Uncle will be here in about half an hour to pick you up.”

He nodded and played with a few scraps on his plate, watching his Father before his eyes flitted to his Mother.

“Mom? What’s it like having a heat for the first time?”

“It’s hard to explain sweetheart… But trust me, the day before it starts, you’ll know.”

She leaned down to kiss his forehead and he smiled weakly up at her. In other words, he didn’t need to know or didn’t want to know. He just sat there watching his parents exchange worried looks. Something was wrong and Peter wanted to ask. There was a feeling of dread settling his stomach and it was fighting with his breakfast. He felt ill and he stood, rushing out the room. He kneeled by the toilet and dry heaved a little before groaning and standing. False alarm. He headed slowly back to the kitchen before getting a drink.

“You alright, son?”

“Yea Dad. Fine. Just feeling a little weird.”

He turned around just to see his parents exchange another worried look.

“OK, what is it? You guys keep looking worried and exchanging looks and it’s really freaking me the hell out.”

“Watch your language.”

“Sorry, Dad.”

His Mother took a step forward and wrung her hands.

“Peter, we’re pretty sure that you’re coming up to your first heat. You’re nearly 16 and you have these sickly feelings. Soul animals are getting aggressive with Camilla.. See, when you near a heat, soul animals let of this… Sense that others can pick up and it makes them more hostile, especially if they’re owned by an alpha. And a lot of alphas have been getting very close to you. They’ll sense it. And your Father and I are getting worried. We don’t want to find you gone like that Stacy girl… Aunt May and Uncle Ben will be able to keep you safe where as we won’t be able to, what with our jobs. I can’t even get a few weeks off to set up security for myself, let alone you. I promise you, we will visit when we get the chance and we’ll video call you every night.”

Peter felt like crying. He was going to go through this alone? His Mother wasn't going to be able to help him and Aunt May probably wouldn't remember. She'd miscarried twelve years ago. Twelve years was a long time to not have a heat. His eyes flickered up at the doorbell and he looked up at his Mother.

"Richard go get the door."

His Mother's arms wrapped around Peter, tightly, protectively. A few tears leaked out as he gripped onto her, sniffing a little.

"Mom I'm scared."

"I know you are sweetheart, but I promise, May and Ben can look after you. Your Aunt will help you through. I swear."


Peter looked over at his Uncle in the doorway and managed a small smile. It was nothing like the massive hug that normally greeted him.

"Oh Peter what's wrong?"

His Mother patted his back.

"He's nervous. It's coming up to his time and... He's moving away..."

Peter pushed himself off his chair and launched himself at his Uncle, hugging him tightly.

"Aunt May is gonna help you finish packing Peter. Go on."

He looked up at his Father with wide, watery eyes before leaning against his Aunt as they walked upstairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2014 ⏰

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