bratayley x the selection

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Chapter One : Caste? Caste.

Julianna's POV:

The Caste System, the one thing I hate more then being called a five. The caste system apparently keeps the region of Netra running smoothly, well that's what my mom thinks. What I believe? I believe we should not separate people based on whether we are rich or poor. I believe that all men and women are created equal.

We should be able to choose who we want to be and become it not follow in the path our parents created for us. Oh yea you might still want to know what a caste system is right? The Caste System's definition, hell but the dictionary definition is a system that people are ranked by numbers based on the work you do.

Still don't understand? Well there are eight caste ranked from rich to poor. The one's they are royalty, you know the King and Queen, princesses and princes all that fairytale crap. Instead this isn't a fairytale its a reality and by the way only the rich get happily ever after's.

The two's and three's group together both being rich but not quite royalty rich. Two's are the celebrities and the guards at the palace these are the ones who aren't complaining about the caste as long as there doing good. Three's are the great minds, they are the teachers, scientist, doctors. I've never meet a two or three they turn their heads at the sight of the less fortunate like we have some sickness or something.

Fours are in the middle, matter of fact the Queen Jill was a four before she won the selection. The selection what's that its woman degrading but we will comeback to that later  where was I oh yea fours. Fours are the business men and women, some are rich, some are not as wealthy as I  said they range.

Ah and here I am. the fives probably the most talented of all caste if I do say so myself. We are the entertainers and not like that get your mind out of the gutter ya perv. We are the musicians and artist. I , being a singer managed to get my voice so high I cracked a glass cup pretty cool right. I  can also play the acoustic guitar and violin. What can I say I'm multitalented.  We fives are on the poor side, I mean were not dying of  starvation or anything but were not living the life either, Were making it I guess  I'm thankful.

Sixes, I know a six He's really nice (and hot) his names Hayden. Hayden and I are secret um friends yea friends... my mom being a anti don't hang out with caste lower then me  person we have to keep our um friendship secret. Oh sixes are the workers they serve the higher caste basically. Sadly they lack  in the money department barely eating nether the less they survive.

Finally the ones who scavenge for food ever night. The seven and the eights. Sevens have it a little bit better then the eights, they are the gardeners and the construction workers basically outdoors workers. The eights the untouchable, the mentally and physically unwell people that don't benefit society are thrown here, stupid right.

Well now you see my problem the caste system  is stupid, being labeled a five is stupid, honestly ugh.

And the only way to leave the caste you were born into is to either marry someone that is in a different caste then you. Women when married is changed into the caste the husband is in. That's why my mom doesn't want me to talk to guys in lower caste so I don't marry down.

The other way for a women to move up in caste (because women can't become guards smh) is too enter the Selection.

The Selection is a competition in the region Nerva between thirty five girls who compete to marry the prince and become the princess of Netra. Females who are single and age 16-20 are eligible to enter sadly I'm 18 but I am not entering I'm already in love.

Well that's all about my region tell me about yours? If we're in the same region that would be awkward cause I just explained everything that you already know hehe. Any who what's your name? How old are you? Does the Selection sound bad to you?

My name is Julianna Grace Leblanc I like to be called Annie but my mom said Julianna is more 'proper'. I'm 18 as I said early and I'm almost done with school. Most 5's and below don't go to college they just continue working in their caste.

Thanks for reading my rant penpal please respond this extra credit is gonna move my 79.7 a 80.0 a B.

Signing out,
Your penpal, Annie <3

"Hm that sounds pretty good" I said before hitting the send button. We had our last school assignment which was too pick a random, anonymous email out of a hat and write about our region or country whatever you call it.

The penpal that you choose can be either be miles away or your next door neighbor but we were supposed to explain the government of our region.

"Julianna Grace come done for dinner" My mom called from downstairs and I turn off our old and dusty family computer that looks like it was made in 1967 and rush downstairs to our living room/eating area.

"Mom how many times have I told you call me Annie not Julianna" I said taking a seat at the old rusty table. "Tonights your night to clean the dishes Annie" Hayley my little sister comes in from outside where she was playing with her friends, she's actually social.

She's also a singer but Hayley likes to dance but she can't because 5's are singers and artist but she's really good and self taught. Me and her share a room so I constantly have to hear her dancing to silence.

Five minutes later my brother Caleb came in. He was also outside but talking to his friend Sydney and Luke who are also a 5. The trio was established when they were little and have been inseparable ever since

"Ugh" I groan and slam my head onto the table. My arms being on the table to cushion the blow. "What's wrong with her-" Caleb's question got cut off by my mom squealing and running inside from the mailbox.

Why is everyone going outside but me? My mom still squealing I don't know why. She's usually happy about a paycheck but not this happy. Wait. Oh no

"Guess what came in the mail! Your application for The Selection" She said happily. And I groan even more.

"Mom I'm not applying I don't want to be in some stupid competition for a stuck up prince" I said rolling my eyes.

"Prince Brennan?! He is not stuck up he's humble and amazing and charming" Hayley gushed. I swear all thirteen year olds are obsessed with the older prince.


SKSKSK who let me think this was good

i had to start off this book with one of the most concerning. i rlly thought i did something too.

pls i beg of you roast me in the comments.

scrapple nottlesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora