bratayley x the flash

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Brennan Too Smart For His Own Good Donnelly figures out the "mysterious" identity of The Flash whos apparently to slow to spray her hair a different color to hide her identity

Brennan walks up to her with determination before tapping on her shoulder she turned around confused. "What the he-" Before the girl finished her sentence Brennan interrupted her "Your the flash" He states and her eyes widened. "What" She breaths out awkwardly.

"You know the flash, the scarlet speedster, the one that scurrs around the-" The girl interrupted him by looking around grabbing him and speeding him to B.R.A.T labs. Brennan dizzily walks before turning and glaring at her "You c-can't just do that!" He expresses and She rolls her eyes.

"Guys we have a problem" She calls out and Brennan looks around in awe. "Annie aren't you suppose to be at scho- who's this" Caleb, Annie's big brother also major tech geek asked and Annie opened her mouth to explain realizing she can't.


honestly one of my best, a real masterpiece this one is

i think this is my last one from my notes so.

thank you, next.

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