unexpectedly pt. 2

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after three years. taehyung turns to be the vice president of their now known and big engineering and designing company. he worked very tough just be in this place. well, everyone knows how hard working he is. getting done what needs to be done day or week its deadline, being early to work even in weekends, being polite to their clients and co-workers and list goes on and on.

for jeongguk, he's now the CEO of the company he's working on for years. the former CEO saw a pontential that jeongguk would be a great and amazing substitute for him. which is proved by jeongguk because since he became the boss, big projects and success are consistently gaining by their company.

just to make the story short, the both of them are now on the peek of their careers. both successful on their life and could not ask for anything. but maybe, there's still something that the both them wants to have. to be loved and to be inlove... again.

the world is small and destiny is complicated. you can meet someone that you didn't want to see or talk in the most unexpected way.

taehyung is having the vacation he thought deserves. he cannot even remember when was the last time he got time for himself and relaxed for all . that's why he is now inside an airplane on it's way in the sky to turkey. a said place where there are unique and aesthetic places that he could go on to and enjoy.

and at the same time, jeongguk have his meeting with a potential business partner and to have a vacation for a month as well at the same country that was mentioned.

the sun was already setting when taehyung decided to eat his lunch. he was to engulfed and amazed to the beauty of turkey that's why he didn't even felt hungry until he walked on chains of restaurant on his way. he picked a place where he thought they serve good and delicious food.

like i said, the world is small. little did taehyung know that jeongguk is at the same restaurant he's in.

no one noticed or spotted each other. the one being busy with his meeting and the other is too busy taking pictures and be amazed by the unique interior design of the place.

but destiny is a complicated shit.

as jeongguk exits the restaurant it was also the time when taehyung's order has arrived.

they were so close yet so far from each other.

the night is getting thicker and it's getting cold outside making taehyung quickens his steps just to get in his hotel, enter his suite and turn on the heater.

but he didn't even notice where he is going and bumped into someone. someone he isn't expecting or never did imagine to meet again that made his eyes go wide and stops his breathing.



as for jeongguk he was texting his friend earlier before tha happens who told him there is a near wine place that has a delicious wines being serve. so he didn't know where he is walking as well.

and maybe this was the way of fate for them to meet again.

the two shared the same expressions. shocked and confused.

the former pink haired guy that has now a brunette color, was the first one to speak up,

"uhm... hi? i—i didn't know you are here as well. it's been a long time."

"i could say the same to you. what brought you here? work?"

"oh. no, just for a vacation."

the small talk turns into a long night chat which they continue the pool area of the hotel where both of them cancelled their prior plans.

they both now it's been a very long time yet they don't know but they are so comfortable with each other right now. like nothing happened on the past. like everything is going back like they used to before.

as the days and weeks passed. they got closer and more open with each other again, like those days before. talking about their lives, work, issues and whatnots.

they said you can't be friend with your ex, because that only indicates two things. first, you didn't really love that person and second, you still love and want to keep that person with you. and maybe, for this situation the second one suits well.

the two decided to go at one of famous place in turkey where the houses were carved in the mountains like caves.

they stayed at a spot where there is a good look above the town and they can feel the cold breeze hitting their bare skins.

silence surrounds them not until jeongguk spoke up first, breaking it.

"i missed you, tae. so fucking much."

the abrupt confession of jeongguk made the other hitched his breath and made his brain cells to stop functioning at the moment.

"i— no one never knew what happened to the both us. but i realized that we were still making and building our own lives back then. we needed to have time for our selves. we were so caught up on what we wanted to achieve before. we lost time for each other and we fell out of love.

but now that everything is good, every pieces fell on it's right places, i think what we really need right now is one another. even if im this successful, rich, or whatever good things they say, i still feel empty here. in my heart, tae. something is missing, that someone needs to fill that emptiness in me and i know it is only you who can do that. you are never been our of my mind, been always thinking about you. i already met a lot of people but its still you. i still love you and will always love you, tae.

i still remember when we were still college we promised to marry each other no matter what happens. im still holding into that promise, tae.

im not rushing things. but i just want to make sure that you will stay with me for good and i will never let you go. can we... can we start over again, please?"

jeongguk held the others hand and looked at his eyes, that are full of tears making its way down his cheeks. while jeongguk spoke, he reminisced what was them before and can't help but be sad and happy at the memories.

"jeongguk, i never imagine i'll see you again mostly at this time. i thought everything is running okay not until i met you again and give me this feelings im having right now, one more time.

i missed you too so damn much. i cry whenever you came across my mind and remember what we had that was full of joy and good times. and now, im ready to give us another shot because i know you are the only person my heart will ever want and look for. i love you too jeongguk."

the two who are now both a crying mess with a happy heart hug each other tight. not wanting to let go one another again.

"i promise to give you more than what we had before, tae. i will stay by your side forever and ever."

they say 'love is sweeter the second time around' and maybe, these two just proved that is indeed true.

words: 1245

finished writing this at 3:23 am hah.
this is longer than what i have planned but i enjoyed writing it anyways. also, im not good with geography and never been in turkey lol. hope u guys like it! xo

(i said i won't do a/n but what am i doing ugh! ihatemyself)

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