Page 1 He knows me !

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Love has never happened for my parents so why should it for me ?

I had thought as i was trying to calm myself down .

I was now extremely nervous but the woods especially at night .

I know what's out here well I've seen it before, red eyes and hungry teeth which scared me .as I made my way threw the woods i felt something once again watching me from behind. I turned and saw it. The red eyes yet loving smile. by it's appearance i couldn't already Tell it was a guy .

"w-who are you?" i asked as i took a secant look at him.

he was so handsome yet so very calm and helpful .

his eyes turned from red angry to brown loving .

he was just staring at me , peering into my soul. he was attractive,stunning and just what I've wished for .

"sorry if i scared you, Do you need help getting you home?"

he said ,his eyes never leaving mine.

"well i am loosed." i snapped away from his eyes and turned away.

"well maybe if you want i could help?"

he asked as he turned me around to face him .

I know i shouldn't be doing this , after all i just met him. What if he wants to hurt me ? But really i don't seem to care.

"your stunning." that was unexpected but it made me feel good inside.

Maybe he is a nice guy after all ?

"If you want to help then that's fine."

he smiled from ear to ear as we started walking .

"so what's your name?"

i asked as I placed my hands in my jacket pockets.

" Justin,Justin Parker."

(random name I know XD)

" oh nice name i like it."

was it obvious i was nervous and of-course scared out of my mind ?

"what's yours ?"

his hair was kind of blond yet brown , it shined in the moon light.

" I'm annie."

I wasn't going to Tell a stranger my real name so i gave him my nick name .

"amazing nick name."

how did he know ?

"Stephanie ."

oh god he knows me !

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