page 4 took my heart

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-Next day-


The morning rain , raining down hard which I didn't mind at all.


I slowly sat up, daydreaming about the day ahead.


I walked To my bathroom and did my thing.




After I finished up and felt clean enough to leave this house, I got dressed and left.






I arrived at the highschool.


The high-school use to be a Park but It sadly was burnt down to make this stupid school


I walked down the halls.


Hearing stuff like.


"Is that the new girl ?"

"Haven't I seen her before ?"

"She beautiful."


I faced where I heard that last comment come from .


The guy was white, whiter then anyone else here.


It's like his never been in the sun before.


I smiled at my own thought.


It was that Justin guy once again.


His hair was brown, eyes brown and had a smile to die for. His lips big and calling out for me, telling me to kiss them. He was maybe around 5'7 , he was the tallest of all four guys there. He had on a black V shirt and black jeans. with red supra shoes on


His either friend had blue eyes , stunning lips , kinda red lips, redder then any of them, Black long hair that stops at his chest, amazing looking body and was maybe 5'6 . He was In a pink and blue shirt, with ripped jeans and supra shoes on.


The guy on the left of him had red hair, most likely dyed it, Green eyes , small lips but really sexy to me, Maybe about 5'4 , he was waring a green shirt that made his eyes lighter then they would normally be.he had purple supra shoes on.


His last friend was around 5'3, he was the smallest one of them all, blond hair, kinda brown eyes and was staring me down , like I was something to eat . He was In a shirt that said keep calm and fight on (I just made that up XD) , some jeans that stopped at his ankles and also had supra shoes on , wight once that is. What Is with those guy and supra shoes (XD).


I of course wasn't watching were I was walking and hit someone.


I fell back Into someones arms.


I keep my eyes closed Just in case that guys pissed off at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2012 ⏰

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