Chapter 15 - We can still make it out.

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I got out of bed, it was 10pm, pitch black and freezing outside. I changed my clothes and put some make up on left my hair curly. I pulled on my vans, grabbed my phone and keys and then ran out of the door, sending Andy a quick text before doing so.

I caught a taxi, telling them the adress and then he drove off at super speed. I bit my lip all the way, my heart was heavy in my chest as the driver drove closer and closer. We arrived after ten minutes, I thanked him and payed before climbing out and standing outside Myca and Danny's house.

I walked up to the front door, unsure whether to knock or not, my heart felt so heavy, I was so nervous and I didnt even know why.

I eventually plucked up the courage to knock, a few seconds later Myca answered, she grinned at me and hugged me, 'are you okay?' she whispered. 'I dont really know' I whispered back. We pulled away from the hug and I walked in, Danny was sat on the sofa watching something on the TV while cuddling with Luci, when he saw me come in, he got up and hugged me.

'Have you spoken to Ben?' he said, biting his lip.

'Yeah' I sighed, 'he was gonna propose to me!' 

They both nodded, 'what do I do?' I whispered.

'He didnt kiss anyone, Alex, it wasnt his fault' Myca said.

'Honestly, I would've kicked the shit out of him if he did, you know me Alex, Ill love you and protect and I wont let anyone, not even my fucking best friend hurt you, he's so torn up right now though' Danny said, hugging me again.

I was about to speak when I heard the doorbell ring, I pulled away from the hug, Danny gave me a sympathetic look before looking over my shoulder. I gave him a confused look before turning around, seeing Ben standing there awkwardly.

 'Hi' he said simply.

'Hey' I said, then looked down, then looked up at him.

'Are you okay?' he asked.

'Yeah...' I said, then I looked at Myca and Danny, 'I should probably go'

'Please dont' Ben said, looking upset.

I shrugged, 'Black Veil Brides play tonight, then they're off to Manchester straight after, so this will be the last time Im seeing you guys for a while... I dont know when Ill be getting the rest of my stuff..'  

'Alex, are you for real?' Danny frowned.

'You cant just go!' said Myca.

'Ive got nothing here anymore, whats the point?' I said, trying not to cry.

'What about me?' said Ben.

I looked into his eyes, allowing a tear to fall from my own, I couldnt take it. So typically, I just ran off. Ran away from my problems. Even though it never solved them.

I could hear footsteps behind me, I forgot I didnt have a car, so I just ran up the pavement as fast as I could, but that didn't stop Ben from pulling me back.

'Alex, you cant leave me, you cant leave us, you cant leave, you just cant' he said, almost in tears.

'I dont want to, but.... Everythings different now' I said, tears dripping down my face.

He pulled me into a tight hug, nuzzling his head into my neck, I wrapped my around his and wept into chest. 

We both pulled away a few moments later, Ben opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by the sound of a motorbike pulling up beside us. The rider pulled off his helmet, it was Ashley.

Resist You ? (Black Veil Brides - Asking Alexandria) COMPLETED.Where stories live. Discover now