Ch.2 The Prince (Part1)

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*Warning: This is a long chapter.*

                   *A Month Later*

Alexa's POV

"And in public a princess must always-" ugh,I hate princess lessons. Its always boring, but its better than having to sit with ladies who loved to gossip. My teacher, Mrs Hayden, must have noticed I wasn't paying attention because she asked "Alexa what should a Princess do when in public?" Staring intensely she began to circle me as she watched me trying to remember "A princess must always smile and wave if there is a crowd" I answered in a posh voice.

The bell for tea rang and I started to get up as Mrs Hayden started to walk to her desk she suddenly turned around "you are not going to have tea today Alexa, we have an extra hour today" I sighed and sat back down preparing for another hour with Mrs Hayden.

An hour passed and I was now free from the lectures of how to be a princess. As I walked to my suite I heard someone  laughing: a male. I rushed to my suite, not wanting to be seen like this.

After taking another bath and putting on different clothes, and having  tea in my suite, I decided that I will stay inside my suite  and  read books from my library.

Two hours later there was a knock on the door, Halide, my maid rushed to open it and  walked outside.

What could she be up to?

I wondered and  then shrugged going back to reading.

          Author's POV
           *  Meanwhile outside*

Halide had opened the door  to find  Mia,the Queen's maid standing there, tapping her foot impatiently "Her majesty wants to know when will her granddaughter be ready?" She hissed "W-w-well  I haven't had a chance to dress her as yet " Halide stammered . She was afraid of  Mia, knowing that because of her status as the Queen's maid she was promoted to  head maid,a single mistake  could lead to her losing her job.

"Start dressing her then, she can not afford to be late for dinner!" Mia bellowed turning on heels and started walking away "And make sure she looks like a princess !"she shouted before turning the corner.

Halide took a deep breathe before turning to go back inside. She gently closed the door before dragging the other two maids to help find a dress for Alexa to wear.

                  A hour later

After selecting five dresses for Alexa, the three maids started to debate on which one would look best on Alexa. They finally settled on a crimson coloured ball gown with a sweetheart neckline,embedded with diamonds from top to bottom.

" we've been doing good so far"Halide said "we only have to get the princess to take a bath" Dion sighed, running  her hand through her brown, shoulder length hair. "Dion could you  please check if she's sleeping?" Halide asked "of course " she walked across the room to Alexa's room and knocked on the door.


"Your Highness" she said walking inside to see Alexa asleep, she slowly backed out of the room, not wanting to wake her yet.

"Where is she?"Halide asked as soon as Dion walked out." She's sleeping "she answered walking over to the loveseat. " What?she needs to start getting ready now"Halide exclaimed "then why don't you go wake her yourself " and soon Halide and Dion were in an argument about who should wake the princess until Rena, the quiet maid said "I'll wake her" shocked by what their usually  shy and quiet friend said, Halide and Dion walked into the bathroom connected with the suite to prepare a bath.

Rena sighed knowing they were possibly talking about her. She turned and walked up the door and was about to open it when Alexa walked out. Almost walking pass Rena. "Your Highness"Rena said curtseying when Alexa noticed her " Yes Rena?" she asked "We must start getting you ready for dinner" Alexa nodded and said "Lead the way".

                      1 1/2 hour later

" There all done" Halide sighed after fixing Alexa's dress while Dion did her hair. She watched as Rena was looking for a tiara to match Alexa's dress(she has a closet full of tiaras), finally deciding on a tiara with a red rubies on it.

As they were finishing up,  Alexa sighed not liking the amount of jewelry she had on, as she  grabbed her gloves she decided to ask "Do I really need this amount of jewelry?" Halide shot a hatred glare to the back of Alexa's head. 

Doesn't she know how many people would kill to be a royal?
She thought.

Not noticing she had said it out loud until Alexa turned around and addressed her "Yes I know how people would kill to be in my place Halide but, I don't understand why, being a princess is hard" Halide blushed and walked out of the room.

"Your Highness is almost time for dinner" Rena said placing the tiara on top of Alexa's head.

"Yes I shall be going now"Alexa said standing up and walking out the suite.

                           Alexa's POV

I speed walked down the hall because I would be late if I walked slowly. I gave the guard at the dining room a signal to open the door and he opened the door after saying " Her Royal Highness Princess Alexa "he bellowed. I rolled my eyes subtly  not wanting to be here right now. I was not paying attention because one of the guards nudged me to go inside. I stumbled but quickly regained my balance and I descended the stairs while looking at the dining table.

So many different faces.

I thought while taking a seat beside my grandmother. The nobles at the table began to converse quietly but stopped when the first course was brought out." Queen Anna, who is this beautiful young lady "an old man with grey  blonde hair asked while looking at me and licking his lips " Oh Richard " Grandma chuckled while gently dabbing at her mouth with a napkin " This is my granddaughter, you know, the one I told you was not interested in old men"she said snapping him out of a trance he seem to be in.

"Your Majesty, I know I'm wrong to say this but, when will your granddaughter marry?" The same man asked "When she will be married is none of your business Lord Samson" grandma said while glaring at him.
I realized his name as one of the men Grandma always tells me to look out for because most of them were sneaky and conniving.

"I believe it is my business, Your Majesty, to know when our dear princess will be ready to marry"he said while smiling wickedly at me" I know a few princes who would be perfect for her" I tried hard not to get up for the table but I wasn't the only one who was annoyed "Richard if you don't mind I would love to enjoy my dinner in peace" Grandma said clearly annoyed. Richard opened his mouth to speak again but she quickly  cut him off "If you want, we can discuss this in the meeting tomorrow"Richard looked annoyed that she had cut him off so he continued" Your Majesty, I want to introduce to you My nephew" She ignored him until another noble spoke "Don't listen to him Your Majesty, I would love for you to meet my nephew,He is a PRINCE!" The man shouted the last part as if that would make a difference "Mine is a prince Garrot don't forget that!!" Richard screamed and soon they were in a screaming match, so I decided to put an end to it  "Gentlemen could you plea-" but I was interrupted by Garrot "You have no say in this Alexa" he sneered "Just because your a princess doesn't mean anything " he was about to speak again when a  deep voice said "Actually it does " Everyone's head snapped to the seat next to me "Just because she is a woman does not mean she doesn't have more power than you two" Lord Bons-Feather said  "Thank you George "  grandma said "Excuse me" I said rising out of my seat and walking towards the  exit. Tomorrow I am going to get an from Grandma about being respectful but who cares? I  just wanted to get out of there.

   I rewrote this chapter and Part two is coming next week!


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2019 ⏰

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